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Viewing Bog Oakie's Tobacco Cellar

Viewing Summary at a glance:            Click for Open or Cellared or Finished containers or WishList
Cellar Summary - 6 open containers, 85 cellared containers holding 18 lbs 11 oz
Open Containers - 6 containers are open.
Brand Blend Name   Type Storage Oz. Buy Date Tin Date Age Opened Est. Left Days Left
Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Bobs Chocolate Flake Click for details
Virginias, Latakia and Burley tobaccos with hints of chocolate, cocoa and vanilla.
Aro, Bur, Lat, Va Ziplock 1.0 07/03/16 1 mo 08/02/16
Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Broken Scotch Cake Click for details
A very mild blend, using predominantly flue-cured Virginia, but with the addition of some sun-cured both to cool land sweeten the smoke. A rough-cut into very coarse pieces also contributes to cooling the smoke.
Va Tin 1.8 02/01/13 02/01/13
Low Country Pipe & Cigar Cooper Click for details
The confluence of the Cooper and Ashley Rivers create Charleston Harbor, the most important port in the antebellum South. Following trade winds, goods flowed to points north and, especially, across the Atlantic to the great British ports of call. Commemorating the Cooper Rivers contribution to world trade, we have selected choice Orientals and Cyprian Latakia to accent a base of fine Bright Leaf and Red Virginias to create this exceptional medium English Flake.
Or, Lat, Va Tin 2.0 08/26/16 10/17/15 11 mo 09/27/16
Peterson Holiday Season 2016 Click for details
Va, Bur, Cav Tin 3.5 09/17/16 09/13/16
BriarWorks Petes Beards Blend Click for details
Va, Lat Tin 2.0 12/21/15 8 mo 08/03/16
Peterson Summertime Blend 2015 Click for details
Aro, Va Tin 3.5 05/07/16 3 mo 08/03/16
Cellared Containers Summary - 85 containers are cellared holding 18 lbs 11 oz (see details)
Qty Brand Blend Name   Type Tot.Weight Containers Avg.Age Oldest
2 Erik Stokkebye 4th Generation - 1882 Click for details Va, Lat, Or 7 oz 2 9 yr 8 mo 10 yr 7 mo
1 Balkan Sobranie 759 Click for details This traditional mixture of rich Virginia, Latakia and rare Yenidje tobaccos is Sobranies oldest blend and offers a mild yet rich taste. A cool and long-lasting smoke. Lat, Or, Va 1.7 oz 1 9 yr 1 mo 9 yr 1 mo
1 Esoterica Tobacciana And So To Bed Click for details This mixture is absolutely ideal for the evening, ergo...we borrowed the name from the diaries of Samuel Pepys, Esquire. Finest grade Virginia and Maryland type tobaccos are carefully aged and blended with Greek Oriental leaf and top grade Cyprian Latakia. The blend is then specially procesed and additionally matured to produce a mellow, full-strength smoke with rich flavor and unique aroma. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 11 yr 4 mo 11 yr 4 mo
4 Samuel Gawith Balkan Flake Click for details A beautifully formed dark flake of pressed Virginias and a generous helping of Latakia. Relax and enjoy this medium strength tobacco with its smokey flavor and cool, smooth characteristics. Lat, Va 10.5 oz 4 10 yr 10 mo 11 yr 5 mo
1 Scandinavian Tobacco Group Balkan Sasieni Click for details Va, Lat, Or 1.7 oz 1 10 yr 5 mo 10 yr 5 mo
1 Bengal Slices Bengal Slices Click for details Long cut Virginia & Latakia pressed into perfection. Bengal Slices was, originally, the flake version of Balkan Sobranie. When Gallaher took over the Sobranie mixtures from the Redman family the original blenders finding the composition too complex and costly, they simplified it. After Gallaher stopped making the simplified Bengal Slices, Mssrs James B Russell, Inc., arranged for a composition similar to the Gallaher revision to be made exclusively for them by A & C Petersen, Horsens, Denmark. A & C Petersen has recently been sold to Orlik A/S, of Assens, Denmark, which promptly discontinued the manufacture of Bengal Slices. A replacement, under the James B Russell aegis, has been released, approximating the A&C Petersen blend. Lat, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 8 yr
1 Hearth & Home BlackHouse Click for details Va, Cav, Lat, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Bothy Flake Click for details Va, Lat 3.5 oz 2 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Broken Scotch Cake Click for details A very mild blend, using predominantly flue-cured Virginia, but with the addition of some sun-cured both to cool land sweeten the smoke. A rough-cut into very coarse pieces also contributes to cooling the smoke. Va 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 4 mo 11 yr 4 mo
1 Lane Limited Captain Black Blue Click for details Aromatic Black and Golden Cavendish, exceptionally mild, delightfully aromatic. The tobacco is sweet and vanilla-flavored, with a hint of burnt sugar and a pronounced aroma. Aro, Cav 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Lane Limited Captain Black Gold Click for details Matured Golden Cavendish tobaccos, exceptionally mild, delightfully aromatic. The fragrance is masculine but subtle, the taste is sweet, and the aroma is characterized by chocolate and vanilla flavors. Aro, Cav 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Lane Limited Captain Black Red Click for details Captain Black blend Aro, Bur 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Lane Limited Captain Black Round Taste Click for details Bur, Cav 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Lane Limited Captain Black White Click for details Rich, black Cavendish tobaccos, steamed to seal in the flavor and character of the chosen leaf. To this, mellow Burleys and golden Virginias are added for mildness and depth of flavor. Cav, Bur, Va 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Finck Cherry Supreme Click for details Va, Cav 14 oz 1 10 yr 1 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 McClelland Collector - 3 Oaks Original Click for details Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 6 mo 10 yr 6 mo
1 McClelland Collector - 3 Oaks Syrian Click for details Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
2 Scandinavian Tobacco Group Drew Estate - Meat Pie Click for details Va, Lat, Or 3.6 oz 2 10 yr 1 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 McClelland Frog Morton Click for details The name Frog Morton comes to us from the works of JRR Tolkein. Frogmorton: A village in the Eastfarthing of the Shire. Frog Morton is a unique blend of Virginias and Latakia. Ribbon cut and hand blended, this first blend in the series has many loyal fans. A perfect cross-over blend for those looking to begin enjoying Latakia. The Latakia is married with an aromatic flavoring to arrive at a pleasant mix of smokey and sweet. Providing very little bite, this is a good all-day smoke. Va, Aro, Lat 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 4 mo 11 yr 4 mo
1 McClelland Frog Mortons Cellar Click for details A mellow, fragrant Latakia blend aged with stave cubes cut from barrels used to mature and flavor Frog Mortons own special whiskeys. Lat, Aro, Va 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 1 mo 11 yr 1 mo
1 Hearth & Home Fusiliers Ration Click for details Va, Cav, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
4 Finck Golden Cavendish Click for details Cav, Va 1 lbs 4 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 7 mo
1 McClelland Grand Orientals: Classic Samsun Click for details In the hinterlands just south of the Black Sea in Eastern Turkey, these prized Oriental tobaccos draw their sweet, nutty flavor from the rocky soil as they have done for 350 years. Enjoy the distinctive, mellow, pleasant character of the famed Samsun in this fine blend. Or 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 11 mo 7 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Grand Orientals: Yenidje Highlander Click for details A classic mixture of Yenidje, from the very mountain district where its fame began, with both Cyprian and Syrian Latakia and just enough Matured Red Virginia and mellow Maryland to create an incredibly smooth, cool-smoking Oriental Mixture of outstanding character. Or, Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 11 mo 7 yr 11 mo
1 Dan Tobacco Hamborger Veermaster Click for details Classic sailors flake tobacco made from rich Golden Virginias, naturally sweet and mild. Va 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 4 mo 11 yr 4 mo
1 MacBaren HH Latakia Flake Click for details Va, Bur, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 5 mo 9 yr 5 mo
1 MacBaren HH Vintage Syrian Click for details A little under half of the volume, is a smooth and yet powerful Latakia from Syria. This tobacco gives the blend the overall smoky taste. To add a spicy note to the blend, Turkish Oriental has been added. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 7 mo 9 yr 7 mo
4 Peterson Holiday Season 2015 Click for details Aro, Va 14 oz 4 8 yr 11 mo 8 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Holiday Spirit 2009 Click for details Va, Bur, Cav 1.7 oz 1 15 yr 2 mo 15 yr 2 mo
5 Scandinavian Tobacco Group John Bull Click for details Va, Bur, Cav, Lat 7.5 oz 5 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake Click for details A blend of ripe Virginia tobacco spiced with pure Louisiana Perique. The distinctive aroma of Perique combined with the natural sweetness of Virginia tobaccos provides a wonderful characteristic taste with a center of mellow, fermented Black Cavendish. Only available in bulk, generally. Va, Cav, Per 2 oz 1 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 7 mo
1 Newminster No. 400 Superior Navy Flake Click for details Va 1 lbs 1 8 yr 3 mo 8 yr 3 mo
4 Newminster No. 52 Ultimate English Click for details Va, Lat, Or 1 lbs 4 10 yr 4 mo 10 yr 4 mo
1 Borkum Riff Original Click for details Va, Bur 1.5 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 Esoterica Tobacciana Penzance Click for details A wonderful complex secret recipe of the finest Virginia, choice Turkish and Orientals and Cyprian Latakia, all hand blended together, hard pressed and broad cut into thick flakes. Long matured and easily crumbled to facilitate pipe filling. This is one of the finest traditional English Flakes available anywhere. Va, Lat, Or 2.5 oz 1 10 yr 6 mo 10 yr 6 mo
12 Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake (970P) Click for details A smooth, robust blend with LOTS of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and cavendish cut Burley. This is the blend for the Latakia lover. Lat, Bur, Cav, Or 6 lbs 12 10 yr 3 mo 11 yr 5 mo
1 Presbyterian Presbyterian Click for details Va, Lat, Or 1.7 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
3 Samuel Gawith Skiff Mixture Mild Click for details Another Samuel Gawith original, Skiff is for the pipe smoker who appreciates the fuller flavor of an oriental blend. Blending a variety of different styles of flue-cured tobaccos gives Skiff its characteristic yellow and brown features. Or, Va 1 lbs 0.8 oz 3 8 yr 10 mo 9 yr 9 mo
11 Samuel Gawith Squadron Leader Click for details A classic English categorized tobacco. Blended dark and bright Virginias, together with Latakia and Turkish leaf results in a perfect, medium bodied product which gives a rich and slow burning smoke. Lat, Or, Va 1 lbs 7.5 oz 11 10 yr 10 mo 11 yr 5 mo
1 Peterson Summertime Blend 2015 Click for details Aro, Va 3.5 oz 1 8 yr 1 mo 8 yr 1 mo
1 Hearth & Home WhiteKnight Click for details Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
2 Bjarne Viking William the Conqueror Click for details  --(Submitted by Bog Oakie) Va, Lat, Or 3.6 oz 2 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
Cellared Blends Breakdown
Blend Type    
Va,Lat,Or 17 Va,Lat,Or 17 20%20%
Lat,Or,Va 13 Lat,Or,Va 13 15%15%
Lat,Bur,Cav,Or 12 Lat,Bur,Cav,Or 12 14%14%
Aro,Va 5 Aro,Va 5 6%6%
Va,Bur,Cav,Lat 5 Va,Bur,Cav,Lat 5 6%6%
Cav,Va 4 Cav,Va 4 5%5%
Lat,Va 4 Lat,Va 4 5%5%
Or,Va 3 Or,Va 3 4%4%
Va 3 Va 3 4%4%
Aro,Cav 2 Aro,Cav 2 2%2%
Va,Lat 2 Va,Lat 2 2%2%
Aro,Bur 1 Aro,Bur 1 1%1%
Bur,Cav 1 Bur,Cav 1 1%1%
Cav,Bur,Va 1 Cav,Bur,Va 1 1%1%
Lat,Aro,Va 1 Lat,Aro,Va 1 1%1%
Lat,Cav,Va 1 Lat,Cav,Va 1 1%1%
Or 1 Or 1 1%1%
Or,Lat,Va 1 Or,Lat,Va 1 1%1%
Va,Aro,Lat 1 Va,Aro,Lat 1 1%1%
Va,Bur 1 Va,Bur 1 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav 1 Va,Bur,Cav 1 1%1%
Va,Bur,Lat,Or 1 Va,Bur,Lat,Or 1 1%1%
Va,Cav 1 Va,Cav 1 1%1%
Va,Cav,Lat,Or 1 Va,Cav,Lat,Or 1 1%1%
Va,Cav,Lat,Or,Per 1 Va,Cav,Lat,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Cav,Per 1 Va,Cav,Per 1 1%1%
Cellar Container Aging Breakdown
10 yr+ 41 10yr+ 41 48%48%
5 yr+ 44 5yr+ 44 52%52%
4 yr+ 0
3 yr+ 0
2 yr+ 0
18 mo+ 0
1 yr+ 0
6 mo+ 0
< 6 mo 0
Containers Opened/Used History (with OPEN date provided)
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
  J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
And So To Bed
Balkan Flake
Balkan Sasieni
Black Frigate
Bobs Chocolate ..
Broken Scotch C..
Bulk No.105 Cho..
Commonwealth Mi..
Holiday Season ..
John Bull
Maltese Falcon
Navy Flake
Petes Beards Bl..
Pirate Kake (97..
Skiff Mixture M..
Squadron Leader
Star of the Eas..
Stimulus Packag..
Summertime Blen..
William the Con..
Winter Time Fla..
  J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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