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Viewing Kanaia 's Tobacco Cellar

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Cellar Summary - 0 open containers, 679 cellared containers holding 139 lbs 11.1 oz
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Brand Blend Name   Type Storage Oz. Buy Date Tin Date Age Opened Est. Left Days Left
Cellared Containers Summary - 679 containers are cellared holding 139 lbs 11.1 oz (see details)
Qty Brand Blend Name   Type Tot.Weight Containers Avg.Age Oldest
1 Samuel Gawith 1792 Flake Click for details Dark-fired leaf hot pressed and cut into a 6 flake before adding a dressing of Tonquin flavor. A full strength, full flavored tobacco. Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
3 Peter Stokkebye 1855 Click for details Va 4.2 oz 3 9 yr 7 mo 9 yr 7 mo
2 Peter Stokkebye 1882 Mixture Click for details One of the most complicated and oldest blends. Two kinds of ribbon Virginias mixed with Black Cavendish and then accented with hand-spun Curly Cuts. Very mild, very smooth blend filled with unique tobacco flavors then enhanced with French cognac. Va, Aro, Cav 7 oz 2 9 yr 10 mo 9 yr 10 mo
3 Peter Stokkebye 1931 Click for details This tobacco strikes a natural balanced in the distinct characteristics of superior Burleys and mature Virginias by using a small measure of Black Cavendish.  Peter Stokkebys new blends. --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Bur, Cav 10.5 oz 3 12 yr 12 yr 3 mo
4 McClelland 40th Anniversary (Limited Edition) Click for details McClellands 40th Anniversary offering is dedicated to Virginias, and of course those with a love for Virginia leaf as well. The tobacco itself is a red Virginia flake, promising a rich, mellow, sweet smoking experience, and something that will age superbly.

Notes: Superb North Carolina red Virginia worthy of a very special occasion... Va 14 oz 4 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 Cult Abacus Click for details Introducing the next entry in the Cult pipe tobacco lineup - Cult Abacus. After the incredible success of Blood Red Moon last year, people were wondering what Cult would do as a follow-up. The answer is Abacus, a smooth, easy-smoking blend of especially mild Burleys, zesty Virginias and steamed black Cavendish with a soft and warm combination of cocoa, vanilla and hazelnut for a mellow, intriguing flavor and a crowd-pleasing room note. Bur, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
1 Legend Acadian Blend Click for details A shag cut blend of light and medium brown Virginias with fruity black Perique. Mild, naturally sweet. Pure tobacco flavor. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
3 Russ Ouellette AJs VaPer Click for details Blended with Andrew (AJ) Smith, this is a different turn on the Virginia/Perique genre. A variety of red Virginias is combined with a generous amount of Perique, and the mixture is slightly mellowed and sweetened by Green River black Cavendish. Va, Cav, Per 4.5 oz 3 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Alexander Bridge Click for details Va, Bur 1.5 oz 1 13 yr 9 mo 13 yr 9 mo
1 Esoterica Tobacciana And So To Bed Click for details This mixture is absolutely ideal for the evening, ergo...we borrowed the name from the diaries of Samuel Pepys, Esquire. Finest grade Virginia and Maryland type tobaccos are carefully aged and blended with Greek Oriental leaf and top grade Cyprian Latakia. The blend is then specially procesed and additionally matured to produce a mellow, full-strength smoke with rich flavor and unique aroma. Va, Lat, Or 8 oz 1 10 yr 8 mo 10 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland Anniversary Blend Click for details Anniversary is an elegant Matured Virginia ribbon-cut blend, naturally sweet with the clarity of flavor possessed only by the best Virginias. It is seasoned lightly with fine, cool smoking Cyprian Latakia and aged for months. Va, Lat 3.5 oz 1 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
6 Russ Ouellette Anniversary Kake Click for details A blending Virginia that is a mixture of everything from Lemon through Brown, with an amazing aroma. Combined with St. James Perique (a good amount), heat-treated and pressed. A flavorful cake with a mouth-watering chocolate and fig overtones. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Va, Per 2 lbs 6.6 oz 6 12 yr 5 mo 12 yr 7 mo
2 Dunhill Aperitif Click for details A complex blend of Virginias, Cavendish, Latakia and Oriental Leaf. The name Aperitif suggests this well balanced medium mixture should be enjoyed prior to dinner. Va, Cav, Lat, Or 3.6 oz 2 10 yr 5 mo 10 yr 5 mo
1 Legend Aurora Borealis Click for details A hearty helping of rich, spicy Latakia is combined with matured Virginia and shag cut black stoved Virginia. A Latakia lovers delight. --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Lat 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Awakened Elder Click for details Va, Bur, Lat 2 oz 1 7 yr 7 yr
2 Dunhill Babys Bottom Click for details A smooth medium strength mixture which consists mainly of Red Virginia, but also has bronze and lemon Virginia, some flake and a good helping of Latakia. Available only at the Dunhill store. Va, Lat 3.6 oz 2 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
2 McClelland Balkan Beauty Click for details Va, Lat, Or 3.6 oz 2 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Balkan Flake Click for details A beautifully formed dark flake of pressed Virginias and a generous helping of Latakia. Relax and enjoy this medium strength tobacco with its smokey flavor and cool, smooth characteristics. Lat, Va 3.6 oz 2 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
2 Balkan Sasieni Balkan Sasieni Click for details Rich Macedonian Orientals and pungent Latakia are blended with a base of golden and red Virginias to produce what has become one of the most popular premium pipe tobaccos in the world. The history of Balkan Sasieni Smoking Mixtures begins almost a hundred years ago and this fine tobacco draws its roots directly from that family of tobaccos. Or, Lat, Va 3.6 oz 2 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning Flake Click for details Bayou Morning Flake is a much different tobacco from original bayou Morning. This is a very dark brown crumbly flake. It is very mellow and smooth with just the right amount of Perique. Va, Per 4 oz 2 12 yr 8 mo 12 yr 10 mo
3 McClelland Bayou Slices Click for details Sophisticated small Virginia slices with the smoothest Louisiana Perique aged in cakes to mellow - rich and satisfying, with Periques uniquely mysterious and compelling aroma. Va, Per 5.4 oz 3 12 yr 4 mo 12 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Beacon Extra Click for details For this blend, the Beacon recipe was enhanced by adding more vintage, barrel-aged Perique. The result is naturally sweet, incredibly smooth, dark as a Louisiana bayou, studded with bright highlights like beacons along the coast. Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 8 mo 12 yr 8 mo
2 Standard Tobacco Company Bengal Slices Click for details Va, Lat, Or 3.6 oz 2 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
6 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Berkshire Click for details Erik Peter, his Great Grandfather, founded his family’s tobacco business in Denmark and was known for his deep passion for natural tobacco flavors. Truly for the experienced pipe smoker, 1855 is a ready-rubbed blend of exceptional golden, mature Virginia tobaccos that demonstrates the natural sweet Virginia taste and its pleasant aroma. The 1855 blend is an all-Virginia blend with very mature flue-cured tobaccos. There are a lot of natural sugars, and it is relatively a bit higher in nicotine. It’s a little bit stronger, but also has the natural sweetness of the mature Virginias. It’s not for someone just starting out smoking pipe tobacco. It’s for somebody that likes a nice full Virginia smoke --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Lat, Per 15 oz 6 12 yr 3 mo 12 yr 5 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Best Brown #2 Click for details Medium strength flake tobacco. Blended from the finest Virginias and Burleys. Va, Bur 4 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
9 Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake Click for details Hand stripped Flue-cured Zimbabwe leaf steamed and pressed to medium brown. Cool, sweet and mild. Va 1 lbs 7.4 oz 9 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 6 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Billy Budd (412A) Click for details A heavy Latakia blend with rough-cut burly and bright Virginia flake and a good amount of rough-cut Connecticut and Wisconsin Maduro cigar leaf. Lat, Va 4 oz 2 11 yr 1 mo 11 yr 1 mo
1 Hearth and Home Black House Click for details The winning blend from the Chicagoland Pipe Show 2011. Were proud to introduce Black House. This blend is a tribute to a great tobacco of the past. Made for the 2011 contest it was judged to be the closest overall to the dark balkan-type mixture it was designed to emulate. For you Virginia Heads its loaded along with Kentucky, Balkans, Turkish, and even a smattering of Black Cavendish. Va, Lat, Or 8 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 Rattray Black Mallory Click for details The basic tobaccos are broadly akin to those of Red Rapparee. Carefully apportioning of the quantities of seasoning leaf brings about a dark full-bodied mixture. A notable tobacco. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Va, Or 3.6 oz 1 12 yr 10 mo 12 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Black Parrot Click for details A balanced blend with Virginia, Carolina and pure Louisiana Perique, this unique square-cut pipe tobacco encompasses flavor, maturity, and mellow smoking. The several growths interact and the skill of the blender is exercised in arriving at a balance to tempt the palate. Rediscover this classic. You will be richly rewarded. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 8 mo 12 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland Black Tie Click for details A crossover tobacco for the individual looking for a rich, satisfying blend. Pleasing to both the nose and the palate. A mixture of rich red Virginia with bright, sweet Carolinas, stoved until black and the finest Louisiana Perique. Its then seasoned with Black Cavendish to soften the blend. Each bowl is an elegant tropical evenings adventure to be savored with friends. Va, Cav, Per 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 7 mo
3 Samuel Gawith Black XX Rope Click for details Same twisted shapes but MUCH Darker tobaccos than the Brown No.4. One of Gawiths all-time best selling ropes. Va 5.4 oz 3 12 yr 4 mo 12 yr 6 mo
2 Fribourg & Treyer Blackjack Click for details A ready-rubbed pure red Virginia plug. Va 3.6 oz 2 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
2 McClelland Blackwoods Flake Click for details The characteristic, natural sweetness of Mellow, Red Virginias mingles inextricably with the richness and inherently spicy aroma of Black stoved Virginias in this doubly aged Red and Black all-Virginia cake mixture. Va 5.3 oz 2 12 yr 13 yr
5 Solani Blend 633 - Virginia Flake Click for details A classic flake with bright Virginias and Perique. This cool, slow burning blend has a natural sweetness and a wonderful room aroma. Va, Per 9 oz 5 17 yr 20 yr
3 Solani Blend 660 - Silver Flake Click for details An incredible blend of premium dark red and sweet Virginias from the border belt, light yellow Virginia from South Carolina and dark-fired, spicy Kentucky. Slow burning and because no flavoring has been added, this blend has a real tobacco taste. Bur, Va 10.6 oz 3 11 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Cult Blood Red Moon Click for details This dark, decadent blend combines fire-cured Cavendish, bright Virginias and Burleys with the delicious aromas of natural Royal Ann cherry and dark chocolate. A bit sweet, extremely rich, and unquestionably smooth. Bur, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
3 McClelland Blue Mountain Click for details Rich with the finest Mountain Latakia, a classic full Balkan pipe tobacco mixture, smooth and deeply fragrant. The inspiration for this elegant mixture was a 21-year-old tin of the legendary #759.  This blend was one of three in the Throwdown at the 2011 Chicago pipe show and walked away with the Peoples Choice Award! Lat, Or, Va 5.4 oz 3 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland Bombay Court Click for details An exotic Oriental mixture spiced with Turkish Tobaccos, cut wide and enhanced by the natural aromatic, cool character of just enough smoky Latakia. Matured Virginias fine-cut from aged cakes add their naturally sweet, full flavor. Or, Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 15 yr 10 mo 15 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Bombay Extra Click for details McC. began with Bombay Court, darkened the Virginias, added a touch of Perique and increased the Latakia, resulting in an enriched version of a unique and popular formula. A rich, full mixture for evening enjoyment. Lat, Or, Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 9 mo 12 yr 9 mo
2 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Bosphorus Cruise Click for details Va, Lat, Or 3 oz 2 13 yr 9 mo 13 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Boston 1776 Click for details A very special Virginia Flake, created to celebrate the exceptional tobaccos of the United States of America. Red, Lemon and Orange Virginias, aged through summer sweats for over five years, then hard-pressed in cakes to age again, to mellow and marry and form this rich, bold tobacco long sought after by devoted flake baccy smokers. Va 1.8 oz 1 14 yr 8 mo 14 yr 8 mo
4 Cornell & Diehl Bourbon Blue Click for details Perhaps the most well-known street in the French Quarter, the oldest district in New Orleans, this Cellar Series blend takes its name from the colorful Bourbon street, whose distinct blue shutters have lined the rue for years . In this equally memorable blend, bright and red Virginias are mixed with just the right amount of dark-fired Kentucky and long-cut Perique, then married together with bourbon before being press to form an old-fashioned crumble cake. --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Per 8 oz 4 10 yr 6 mo 11 yr 1 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Bow-Legged Bear Click for details Full English blend with Virginias, Turkish, Latakia, Burley & Perique. Stoved, pressed, and sliced as crumble cake. Va, Bur, Lat, Or, Per 2 oz 1 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Briar Fox Click for details An exceptionally smooth crumble cake of Virginias. The personal blend of Peter Heeschen, the well-known Danish pipe maker. Va 8 oz 1 12 yr 3 mo 12 yr 3 mo
9 Wessex Brigade Campaign Dark Flake Click for details Dark brown Virginia, full bodied and smooth. Va 1 lbs 0.2 oz 9 11 yr 7 mo 11 yr 11 mo
1 Wessex Brigade Classic Virginia Click for details One hundred percent dark red Virginia flake, ready rubbed. Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 1 mo 12 yr 1 mo
1 Wessex Brigade Sovereign Curly Cut Click for details Small, loose disks, similar to Three Nuns (tin version). Virginias and Perique. No casing. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Bright CR Flake Click for details 100% pure Virginia leaf with no additional flavours made from a blend of Brazilian, Zimbabwe and Malawi bright Viginia leaf. The pressed tobacco as with all flakes, is left to mature before cutting into flakes, to allow for the best combination of flavor. Va 8 oz 1 12 yr 1 mo 12 yr 1 mo
1 McClelland Brindle Flake Click for details Flue-curing captures the natural sweetness of the fine Virginia tobaccos in this flavorful blend. Aging in cakes softens them into elegance. This partially rubbed flake harkens back to English days of old. It burns with regal restraint to a mottled white ash. It is a friend with strong character and considerable charm. Va 1.8 oz 1 13 yr 2 mo 13 yr 2 mo
1 McClelland British Woods Click for details Full, rich and dark. Heavy with fragrant Latakia, spiced with premium Macedonian tobaccos. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 8 mo 11 yr 8 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Brown Flake Click for details As with Bright CR Flake, this is another tobacco that devises its flavour simply from the choice of leaf in the blend, and has no additional casings or flavours to enhance the smoke. (u/s - stands for unscented) 83.5% Blended virginias are combined with a relatively high (for English Blends at any rate) proportion of Malawi Burley, 12.5%, to give flavour and depth to the smoke, and the addition of just 4% Malawi dark fired leaf is sufficient to combat the typical sharpness of the virginia leaf resulting in a rounded medium strength smoke. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Va, Bur 8 oz 1 11 yr 11 mo 11 yr 11 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Brown Rope No.4 Click for details Twisted forms of aged dark brown leaf. Enormous flavor aroma and strength tamed with slow puffing. Va 1.7 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Brown Sugar Flake Click for details Due to our close cooperation with Samuel Gawith, we can now introduce the first ever Samuel Gawith/The Danish Pipe Shop (SG/TDPS) tobacco called Brown Sugar Flake. Its the result of 6-8 months testing and experimenting. The main goal was to relive the famous Orlik Brown Sliced, but in a more full style (not strong but more body). Its matured high quality Virginia that is hot pressed with some natural Cavendish. So you get a pure flavour with a hint of natural sweetness from the Cavendish. To spice it up it has a pinch of burley and oriental. Va, Bur, Cav, Or, Per 3.6 oz 2 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
2 Savinelli Brunello Flake Click for details An impeccably structured blend. Featuring a foundation of sweet, tangy Virginias and cool burning Burleys, a dash of Macedonian leaf is added to round out the mixture and add a hint of the exotic. The different leafs are then aged as one, in order to marry and harmonize flavor, prior to being pressed into a tantalizing flake. Va, Bur, Or 7.2 oz 2 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 7 mo
5 McClelland Bulk No.2015 Virginia Flake Click for details This popular flake is made from orange and red Virginias, to which enough Perique has been added to create a refreshing smoke with a satisfying richness and depth of flavor. Va, Per 4 lbs 5 11 yr 11 mo 12 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.2020 Matured Cake Click for details Matured Cake Mixture combines the characteristic sweetness and zest of a fine Matured Virginia with the unique aroma, softness and rich, nutty flavor of a distinctive Oriental Mixture. Aging this blend of lemon and orange Virginias, Xanthi and Latakia in cakes develops an extra margin of smoothness and an uncommonly rich flavor that is refined, not heavy. Va, Lat, Or 4 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.2035 Dark Navy Flake Click for details Dark Navy Flake is unique in that it begins as a blend of very light lemon Virginias, leaf and cutter grade tobaccos which are transformed through pressure, aging and light stoving into a beautifully dark, pungent cake. It is sweet and rich without being as strong or stout in body as dark flakes have traditionally been. Va 4 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.5100 Red Cake Click for details This is a style of English Virginia that has seldom been seen in America. A sweet, exceptionally soft, fully rubbed-out Matured Cake. 5100 is a wonderful blending tobacco as well as a fine, medium-bodied straight smoke. Va 3 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.5105 Stoved Virginia Click for details In the style of Black Virginia Cake tobaccos, this is a rich and sweet blend, with a delightful, naturally spicy aroma. This is also an excellent tobacco to add to a blend to add natural sweetness without any bite. Va 3.5 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.5110 Dark English Full Click for details Rich with Latakia, spiced with the finest Oriental leaf and mellowed with Stoved Virginia and then aged into a deeply satisfying, harmonious blend of the worlds most exotic tobaccos, this is a very full mixture, sure to satisfy the lover of traditional Enlgish style blends. Lat, Or, Va 2.5 oz 1 11 yr 11 mo 11 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Bulk No.5115 Old World Classic Cake Click for details A matured cake blend of the finest lemon and orange-red Virginias, enhanced with natural fruit essences. Lightly sweet, satisfying and smooth, with a little zest. Va, Aro 4 oz 1 13 yr 1 mo 13 yr 1 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Burley Flake #3 Click for details A blend of quality Burleys with a bit of Virginia for natural sweetness and a dash of Perique for interest. Bur, Per, Va 4 oz 2 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
4 Samuel Gawith Cabbies Mixture Click for details A Virginia and perique twist hand rolled, then hand sliced. A sweet natural Virginia taste takes centre stage when lit with the perique, giving a spicy undertone to the flavour. Va, Per 7.2 oz 4 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
8 MacBaren Capstan Blue Click for details  --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va 14.4 oz 8 11 yr 2 mo 11 yr 8 mo
5 MacBaren Capstan Gold Click for details Va 9 oz 5 11 yr 11 yr 6 mo
3 Cornell & Diehl Carolina Red Flake (Small Batch) Click for details A blend of the finest North Carolina grown red Virginias, harvested in 2015, our Carolina Red Flake is a tribute to the Old Belt. Plucked straight from Carolina soil, these top-tier Virginias were all grown, thrashed, blended, pressed, and then lovingly sliced and tinned right here in the heart of old tobacco country.  Sweet, tangy, and spicy, Carolina Red Flake is both surprisingly straightforward and pleasantly complex: youll find its rich, deep, and earthy, with undertones of dried cranberries, orchard grass, and citrus.? Were proud of our heritage—and were particularly proud of this damn near perfect red Virginia flake. Enjoy!

Notes: Retail launch date: June 10, 2016; only 2,400 tins produced. Va 6 oz 3 8 yr 9 mo 8 yr 9 mo
7 Comoy Cask No. 7 Click for details A blend of ripe Virginia tobaccos spiced with pure Perique. The center of Black Cavendish smooths out the taste in this slightly aromatic blend. Va, Per 2 lbs 2.3 oz 7 11 yr 7 mo 11 yr 7 mo
1 Comoy Cask No. 9 Spiced Virginia Click for details Va, Bur, Cav 3.5 oz 1 11 yr 3 mo 11 yr 3 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Chenets Cake Click for details Va, Per 4 oz 2 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
4 McClelland Christmas Cheer 2012 Click for details Hand blended, premium pressed Virginia flake tobaccos. A fine vintage, naturally sweet, in limited quantity. Va 14 oz 4 12 yr 8 mo 12 yr 8 mo
2 McClelland Christmas Cheer 2013 Click for details Handblended, premium pressed Virginia flake pipe tobaccos. A fine vintage, naturally sweet, in limited quantity. The 2013 blend is made with a special selection of orange, flue-cured Virginia from the 2009 crop near Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Va 7 oz 2 11 yr 8 mo 11 yr 8 mo
8 McClelland Christmas Cheer 2014 Click for details Handblended, premium pressed Virginia flake pipe tobaccos. A fine vintage, naturally sweet, in limited quantity.

Notes: From tin insert: We are proud to offer our 2014 Christmas Cheer pipe tobacco, an exceptionally fine vintage tobacco, hand blended and aged in pressed cakes to develop natural mellowness. This 2014 blend is made with a special selection of red flue-cured Virginia from an outstanding 2009 crop near Snow Hill, North Carolina. Superb sun-dappled leaf picked at peak ripeness, it is high in natural sugars, rich in oils. It should age extremely well in the tin. Each buying session, we look for tobaccos of exceptional quality and distinctive character. In various combinations their flavors, aromas, textures contribute to the overall excellence of all our products.

The leaves of different crops and regions are combined to maintain consistency from year to year.

With Christmas Cheer pipe tobacco, we treat our discriminating customers to the singular pleasure of a tasting of the very finest in tobaccos of a particular vintage, not worrying about maintaining the flavor and appearance of this product into future years but actually striving instead to present the unique character of a single crop and area.

Thats what Christmas Cheer pipe tobacco is all about. Happy sampling! Va 1 lbs 12 oz 8 10 yr 8 mo 10 yr 8 mo
5 McClelland Christmas Cheer 2015 Click for details Va 1 lbs 1.5 oz 5 9 yr 8 mo 9 yr 8 mo
2 McClelland Christmas Cheer 2016 Click for details Notes: From tin insert: We are proud to offer our 2016 Christmas Cheer pipe tobacco, an exceptionally fine vintage tobacco, hand blended and aged in pressed cakes to develop natural mellowness. This 2016 blend is made with a special selection of ripe, red, flue-cured Virginia from a beautiful 2010 Middle-Belt crop. Superb leaf picked at peak ripeness, it is naturally sweet, rich in oils. It should age with distinction. Each buying season, we look for tobaccos of exceptional quality and distinctive character. In various combinations, their flavors, aromas, textures, contribute to the overall excellence of all our products.

The leaves of different crops and regions are combined to maintain consistency from year to year.

With Christmas Cheer pipe tobacco, we treat our discriminating customers to the singular pleasure of a tasting of the very finest in tobaccos of a particular vintage, not worrying about maintaining the flavor and appearance of this product into future years but actually striving instead to present the unique character of a single crop and area. Va 7 oz 2 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
2 McClelland Christmas Cheer 2017 Click for details Notes: From tin insert: We are proud to offer our 2017 Christmas Cheer pipe tobacco, an exceptionally fine vintage tobacco, hand blended and aged in pressed cakes to develop natural mellowness. This 2017 blend is made with a special selection of rich, deep red, flue-cured Virginia from an excellent 2013 crop grown near New Hope, N.C. Superb leaf picked at peak ripeness, it is naturally sweet, rich in oils. It should age with distinction. Each buying season, we look for tobaccos of exceptional quality and distinctive character. In various combinations, their flavors, aromas, textures, contribute to the overall excellence of all our products.

The leaves of different crops and regions are combined to maintain consistency from year to year.

With Christmas Cheer pipe tobacco, we treat our discriminating customers to the singular pleasure of a tasting of the very finest in tobaccos of a particular vintage, not worrying about maintaining the flavor and appearance of this product into future years but actually striving instead to present the unique character of a single crop and area. Va 7 oz 2 8 yr 7 mo 8 yr 7 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Commonwealth Mixture Click for details For the dedicated smoker who demands a fuller flavor to their tobacco. Commonwealth, another Samuel Gawith Bi-Centenarian, is a full-strength blend of 50% heavily steamed Virginia and 50% Cyprus Latakia. Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 Gallaher Limited Condor Plug Click for details Dark in colour Lovely aroma Gentle taste Va 1 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 Cult Conspiracy Click for details Premium golden Virginias and a special black Cavendish, made from specially selected Green River one-sucker Burley, are combined with a rich, reddish Burley and finished with a bit of smoky Cyprian Latakia. A wonderful, warm vanilla and a touch of clover honey are added for a creamy-sweet flavor with a slightly floral note. Cav, Bur, Lat 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 10 mo 8 yr 10 mo
1 John Patton Cool Hand Fluke Click for details When a Burley lover who doesnt really care for Perique creates a blend with four different Virginias that a Perique Freak cant get enough of, thats a fluke. Four contrasting Virginas combines with 40% Perique for a blend that is surprisingly smooth. Va, Per 8 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
1 Sillem's Copenhagen Click for details  --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Bur, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Sillem's Councilor 1695 Flake Click for details Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Lane Limited Crown Achievement Click for details 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
2 GL Pease Cumberland Click for details Robust and possessing a subdued sweetness, Cumberland is a delightfully orchestrated suite of American tobaccos, featuring a rare and exquisite mahogany Kentucky, aged in bales for twenty years. Red and matured Virginias establish a theme. Bur, Va 4 oz 2 10 yr 2 mo 10 yr 2 mo
1 Peter Heinrichs Curly Block Click for details Va, Per 9 oz 1 6 yr 8 mo 6 yr 8 mo
1 Fribourg & Treyer Cut Blended Plug Click for details A light red Virginia flake, slightly sweet with natural flavoring. Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug Click for details A full bodied, medium to full strength pressed flake. Very complex from start to finish with a well balanced taste that is both spicy and subtly sweet. Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 1 mo 12 yr 1 mo
2 Dunhill Dark Flake Click for details Va, Per 3.6 oz 2 7 yr 7 mo 7 yr 7 mo
1 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Dark Flake Click for details Comprised from the same tobaccos as unflavored Dark Flake, this strong, full-bodied flake is augmented with the addition of traditional British flavorings, as well as tonquin, maple, and licorice. A traditionally flavored British Flake. Va, Aro 8 oz 1 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
2 McClelland Dark Star Click for details Dark Star begins as Bright Yellow, sugary top grade Virginia and Carolina leaf. Through careful triple aging, pressing and stoving, it becomes rich, cool and dark. A spicy aroma. Va 3.6 oz 2 15 yr 6 mo 15 yr 6 mo
2 Peter Heinrichs Dark Strong Flake Click for details Aged cakes of red Virginia and fire-cured dark Kentucky tobaccos give this full-bodied, flavorful flake an unusually rich and naturally spicy taste. Not for neophytes, this one satisfies with old-fashioned deep taste. Good outdoors. Va, Bur 7 oz 2 12 yr 3 mo 12 yr 6 mo
4 Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky Click for details The Orlik Dark Kentucky is a contrasting blend of Mature Virginia tobaccos, supplemented with dark- fired Kentucky tobacco, which is then pressed and cut into flakes. Full-bodied non-aromatic. Bur, Va 6.4 oz 4 10 yr 10 yr
3 Seattle Pipe Club Deception Pass Click for details Deception Pass--on north Puget Sound tidal waters flow dangers & quick under a high trestle bridge. Master Blender Joe Lankford retreats here to reflect. Joes NW style Virginia Perique gives the pipesmoker a sense of how we savor our marvelous region. Enjoy English style Virginias, Acadian Perique, Black Virginia, Black Cavendish and a touch of rare Turkish Orientals. Crafting the most sought after small batch blends in America since 2007. Va, Per 6 oz 3 10 yr 10 yr
4 Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls Click for details Some consider this almost identical to the old-time favorite Escudo Navy Rolls. Va, Per 10.6 oz 4 8 yr 11 mo 12 yr 7 mo
1 HU-Tobacco Directors Cut Click for details Directors Cut… If you are talking about traditional tobacco blending, twisted tobacco has to be mentioned. In former times, tobacco was spun into an endless roll and then cut in order to increase durability. Nowadays this special production process only plays a significant role with regard to taste. The traditional Virginia/Perique Curly Cut forms its basis, being in prime condition as a rope, before cut into curlies. The very expressive and sweet Virginia grades in connection with a strong Perique core of the Curly Cuts make an interesting blend, together with the Burley grades and the sugary Virginia Loose Cut. Underlining the robust and elemental character of this Directors Cut, a whiff of fire-cured Virginia renders the final touch to this blend. The result is a slightly sweet and spicy blend, surprising with tremendous varieties in taste. The Directors Cut is attractive for those who are looking for the v Va, Per 3.5 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
5 Savinelli Doblone dOro Click for details The choicest Virginias, Burleys and dark fired Kenyan leaf are enhanced with an impeccable addition of spicy Perique, then aged to perfection before being spun into enticingly beautiful, zesty coins. A delightfully vivacious and flavorful smoke Va, Per 1 lbs 5 oz 5 8 yr 1 mo 10 yr 9 mo
2 Esoterica Tobacciana Dorchester Click for details A special formulation of six light Virginias plus Golden and Dark Virginias with air-cured leaf and a pinch of Louisiana Perique. Easy burning is ensured by the carefully selected cut. The Perique balances the Virginias with a hint of spice for the discerning palate. Va, Per 4 oz 2 7 yr 6 mo 7 yr 6 mo
1 James Fox Dorisco Mixture Click for details Pure Perique, derived from tobaccos smoked by American Indians in their pipes of peace, has been added to a base of coarse cut Virginian mixture to give a distinctive flavour to this hand blended mixture. Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
3 Cornell & Diehl Dreams of Kadath Click for details Va, Per 6 oz 3 7 yr 7 yr 1 mo
1 Esoterica Tobacciana Dunbar Click for details A mature recipe of seven types of Virginia tobaccos blended with Louisiana Perique, lightly pressed for several days to mellow the mixture, then cut into flakes and rubbed up. A high quality blend with a savory taste and a fine bouquet. An outstanding tobacco with a rich depth of flavor. Va, Per 3.5 oz 1 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 7 mo
2 Dunhill Durbar Click for details This blend contains a high proportion of Oriental Leaf, Virginia and Latakia. It is a broad cut mixture, giving rich body, but has a slow rate of burn and is medium in strength. Or, Lat, Va 3.6 oz 2 10 yr 5 mo 10 yr 5 mo
1 Edgeworth Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Click for details An extraordinary blend of the finest Burley and carefully selected light golden Virginia tobaccos. By adding an aroma according to an old recipe containing Jamaica rum and other secret ingredients, a spicy blend is created. By cutting the pressed Cavendish cross-wise, the characteristic cubes are formed. These cubes guarantee an easy fill and even burning pipe. Pressed blend composed mainly of Burley and dark-fired tobaccos with some Virginia leaf. Bur, Aro, Va 14 oz 1 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Edward G. Robinson Blend Click for details A mildly aromatic pipe blend of rich mellow imported and domestic tobaccos. Aro, Cav 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 11 yr
2 Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture Click for details A distinctive flavorful blend pressed, darkened tobaccos with Perique added for character. Va, Per 3.6 oz 2 11 yr 7 mo 11 yr 7 mo
4 Cornell & Diehl Engine 99 (099) Click for details This is a full English blend similar to Balkan Sobrainie 759. Va, Lat, Or 1 lbs 4 11 yr 3 mo 11 yr 3 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company English #1 Crumble Take Click for details Va, Bur, Lat, Or 1.5 oz 1 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
2 Samuel Gawith English Summer Click for details English Summer Pipe Tobacco by Samuel Gawith is made from natural leaves, which have sustained a long, ageing process. This gives English Summer pipe tobacco a great, cool slow burning and delicate flavour.

Taste: Medium Sweet Va 3.6 oz 2 10 yr 9 mo 10 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Epitome Click for details A Matured Virginia flake tobacco in the classic tradition. The quality of the leaf makes all the difference in this supremely smokable blend. This is Matured Virginia at its finest, naturally sweet, mellow from extended aging, clean-smoking...a pleasure to experience. Va 1.8 oz 1 13 yr 13 yr
5 A & C Petersen Escudo Navy Deluxe Click for details This old classic is a Virginia Perique curley cut tobacco in large coin size. The combination of high grade Virginia and Perique tobaccos provides fine, cool smoking enjoyment. The undisputed King of VaPers, bar none! Va, Per 10.7 oz 5 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 8 mo
8 Scandinavian Tobacco Group Escudo Navy Deluxe (new label) Click for details This old classic is a Virginia Perique curley cut tobacco in large coin size. The combination of high grade Virginia and Perique tobaccos provides fine, cool smoking enjoyment. The undisputed King of VaPers, bar none! New label on tin, same product. Va, Per 14.4 oz 8 11 yr 2 mo 11 yr 11 mo
2 GL Pease Fillmore Click for details A thick-sliced, broken flake in the Scottish tradition. Ripe red Virginia tobaccos are combined with a generous measure of fine Louisiana Perique, and then pressed to marry the components and deepen the flavors. Fillmore presents an elegant sweetness and delightful piquancy, enhanced by a creamy richness that develops throughout the bowl. Sit back, and enjoy a lovely, leisurely smoke! The blender (Greg Pease) claims this blend has a wee touch of Latakia, although you really cant taste it. Va, Per 4 oz 2 12 yr 9 mo 12 yr 9 mo
2 Russ Ouellette Fire Storm Click for details Va, Per 3.6 oz 2 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 The Smoker Fireside Click for details An original 1932 English Blend, it has all of the English goodies with pure double out burley to soften the taste. A medium to full smoke. This is a true Americanized English tobacco. Va, Bur, Lat, Or 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
3 Cornell & Diehl First Responders Click for details On Sept. 11, 2001 America and the entire world changed forever. While horrified at the devastation that occurred, the world watched with awe and wonder the heroism of the men and women who were the First Responders to the World Trade Center site. C&D recognizes and salutes their bravery and selfless dedication to others with the re-release of Tribute, the original G. L. Pease mixture created September 2001 as a fund-raiser for the families of 9/11 victims. A blend of red, bright and stoved Virginias with a dash of Perique and toasted Cavendish. Va, Cav, Per 6 oz 3 13 yr 10 mo 13 yr 10 mo
9 Dunhill Flake (new label) Click for details Medium strength flake of selected grades of Lemon and Bronze Virginias. One of Dunhills most expert blends of highest quality. New label due to idiot laws banning the word light in connection with tobacco. Formerly called Light Flake. Va 1 lbs 0.2 oz 9 12 yr 1 mo 12 yr 6 mo
9 Davidoff Flake Medallions Click for details Curly cut of finest Virginias and Perique tobaccos with a core of black Cavendish. Va, Cav, Per 1 lbs 1.9 oz 9 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 9 mo
1 HU-Tobacco Flanagan Click for details Ethereal Orient grades from the best growing regions of Bulgaria and strong darkfired Kentucky tobaccos characterize the Flanagan flake. Sweet Zambia Virginia, a touch of Perique and hand-stripped Virginias from India round out this powerful and superbly blend. A full-bodied, but elegant flake for friends of spicy and natural tobaccos Va, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
5 McClelland Frog Morton Click for details The name Frog Morton comes to us from the works of JRR Tolkein. Frogmorton: A village in the Eastfarthing of the Shire. Frog Morton is a unique blend of Virginias and Latakia. Ribbon cut and hand blended, this first blend in the series has many loyal fans. A perfect cross-over blend for those looking to begin enjoying Latakia. The Latakia is married with an aromatic flavoring to arrive at a pleasant mix of smokey and sweet. Providing very little bite, this is a good all-day smoke. Va, Aro, Lat 9 oz 5 12 yr 5 mo 12 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Frog Morton Across the Pond Click for details The most recent inclusion in the Frog Morton series, Across the Pond is much like the original. While containing Virginias and Latakia, Oriental is the component that sets this blend apart from the others. The trip across the pond to find these condiment leaves were well worth the trip. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Frog Morton on the Bayou Click for details When vacationing on the dark, placid waters of the Bayou, Frog Morton prefers this smooth, rich, calming Balkan blend, to which he adds just enough of the finest Louisiana Perique. Va, Lat, Or, Per 3.6 oz 1 12 yr 11 mo 12 yr 11 mo
2 McClelland Frog Morton on the Town Click for details A rather mellow smoke, Frog Morton on the Town draws deep rich flavor from its base of golden and red Virginias and a pleasant smoky, earthy undertone from the Latakia. A light flavoring from Basma gives the blend a unique, almost vanilla like flavor. Va, Aro, Lat 3.6 oz 2 11 yr 11 mo 11 yr 11 mo
6 McClelland Frog Mortons Cellar Click for details A mellow, fragrant Latakia blend aged with stave cubes cut from barrels used to mature and flavor Frog Mortons own special whiskeys. Lat, Aro, Va 10.8 oz 6 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 11 mo
1 Tsugue Fujin-The Wind of God Click for details Fujin (the wind god) is a medium-bodied blend not for the timid. Golden Virginias meld with a healthy share of Perique, bold, dark air-cured Burleys and a helping of spicy dark-fired Kentuckys for a blend thats a perfect late-night repast Bur, Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 Mike and Russ:The Mind Meld Full Latakia Click for details Russ Ouellette loves Oriental tobaccos, and Mike McNiel has access to some of the finest available, so it should be no surprise that they would get together to create a rich Latakia blend, noticeably influenced by exotic leaf. Mike & Russ - The Mind Meld Full Latakia contains a large dose of Cyprian Latakia which is supported by some of McClellands finest matured Virginias and a combination of fragrant Orientals. The blend is smoky, tangy with floral undertones and a mellow sweetness. Its a cool blend with plenty of robust flavor and subtle nuances that change constantly through each bowl. Va, Or 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
24 Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake Click for details Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake is for lovers of pure pressed Virginias. Created in the heart of Lakeland, the hot-pressed blended Virginias take on a delicious and distinctive dark color that creates a pipe smokers dream. Va 4 lbs 0.5 oz 24 11 yr 8 mo 12 yr 6 mo
2 GL Pease Gaslight Click for details Va, Lat 4 oz 2 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
2 J. F. Germain & Son Germains Brown Flake Click for details Heavy, flake-style, air and flue cured dark tobaccos that have some sugar crystal present. Va 3.6 oz 2 7 yr 6 mo 7 yr 6 mo
2 J. F. Germain & Son Germains Special Latakia Flake Click for details Coarse, Flake-style cut air and fire cured dark tobaccos. Lat, Va 3.6 oz 2 7 yr 6 mo 7 yr 6 mo
2 Savinelli Giubileo dOro Click for details Va, Lat 3.6 oz 2 8 yr 9 mo 9 yr 6 mo
2 Wessex Gold Brick Click for details An uncut plug of rich old-fashioned Virginia to slice and rub out. Va 7 oz 2 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 6 mo
3 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Golden Age Click for details Perique lovers everywhere will marvel at this mixture, perfect for fans of Elizabethan. Distinctive flavorful blend, darkened tobaccos with perique. Bur, Per 4.5 oz 3 11 yr 12 mo 12 yr 2 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Golden Glow Click for details Blended, flue-cured Golden Virginias, pressed and matured. Cut to form a broken flake which offers a natural sweetness. Technically identical to the Bulk Medium Virgina Flake. Va 3.6 oz 2 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Fribourg & Treyer Golden Mixture Click for details A choice blend of golden Virginia tobaccos. Va 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 7 mo 7 yr 7 mo
3 Orlik Golden Sliced (red) Click for details An all time favorite and a classic VA flake. The highest grade Golden Virginias are aged to perfection then pressed and sliced to deliver a naturally sweet flavor. Mellow and cool burning. The blender site claims there is a touch of Perique in this blend, but you really cant taste it. Va 5.4 oz 3 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 8 mo
1 The Smoker Goldring Click for details This blend was expertly crafrted by Mel Feldman for noted pipe and tobacco connoisseur Fred Goldring. Now available for the first time to the public, this medium-full Latakia-based tobacco features a complex combination of wonderful Virginias with a signigicant amount of Cyprian leaf and a touch of Perique for body. Va, Lat, Per 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 Drew Estate Grand Central Click for details ) --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Bur, Cav 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 5 mo 11 yr 5 mo
1 McClelland Grand Orientals: Classic Samsun Click for details In the hinterlands just south of the Black Sea in Eastern Turkey, these prized Oriental tobaccos draw their sweet, nutty flavor from the rocky soil as they have done for 350 years. Enjoy the distinctive, mellow, pleasant character of the famed Samsun in this fine blend. Or 1.8 oz 1 15 yr 7 mo 15 yr 7 mo
1 McClelland Grand Orientals: Drama Reserve Click for details The famed Drama leaf is sweet and subtle with a natural olive oil fragrance. It is grown on the Southern slopes and foothills of the Rhodope Mountains, the Classic Drama Basma District in Greek Eastern Macedonia, and includes the renowned Mahalia. It is refreshing, delicate, intriguing. This blend is designed to demonstrate just why the classic top-grade Drama leaf is so celebrated. Or 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 9 mo 12 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Grand Orientals: Smyrna No. 1 Click for details Back when Istanbul was Constantinople, Izmir tobacco was Smyrna. A rose by any other name... These tiny, top-grade tobacco leaves from mountainous Western Turkey across from the Island of Khlos have long been prized as the most aromatic of all Orientals. They grown dense and extremely fragrant in this dry country moistened by Mediterranean Sea breezes. Smyrna is the defining ingredient in this sophisticated Oriental blend. 
Also, theres a whole Smyrna leaf on the inside top of the tin-- leaves of oriental varietals are quite small compared to the Virginias and Burleys that most of us would readily recognize. Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 10 mo 12 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Grand Orientals: Yenice Agonya Click for details Grown near the Sea of Marmara, not far from the ancient Troy or Illium, this wide, fine-textured, reddish yellow Turkish tobacco variety is renowned for being smooth on the palate with a delicate aroma. Yenice is pronounced Yenidje in Turkish, and the Agonya seed from which it is grown is of Xanthi origin (that first Yenidje of legend). This blend is designed to highlight the beautiful Agonya leafs mellow taste and subtle fragrance. Or 1.8 oz 1 17 yr 9 mo 17 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Grand Orientals: Yenidje Highlander Click for details A classic mixture of Yenidje, from the very mountain district where its fame began, with both Cyprian and Syrian Latakia and just enough Matured Red Virginia and mellow Maryland to create an incredibly smooth, cool-smoking Oriental Mixture of outstanding character. Or, Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 9 mo 12 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Grand Orientals: Yenidje Supreme Click for details The finest of Xanthi in this blend comes from the best original Yenidje growing area of Western Thrace. These small, delicately aromatic top leaves from the mountains (Djebel) and lower slopes (Yaka) have been renowned for their sweet, mild flavor and delicately tangy aroma since the 1600s. This blend is designed to demonstrate why this particular Xanthi is known as The Queen of Tobaccos. Or 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
2 Samuel Gawith Grousemoor Click for details A 200 year old secret makes Grousemoor a mysterious mixture that conjures up visions of the Cumbrian Fells. A fresh and complex flavor from an old recipe, using combinations of Virginias, leaves the smoker with an almost white ash testifying to the purity. Va, Aro 3.6 oz 2 11 yr 11 mo 11 yr 11 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Guilford Flake Click for details C&D pays tribute to the Old North State battle that led to victory in the Revolutionary War. Old Belt Red and Bright Vas are combined with a bit of Turkish then stoved, pressed and sliced into flakes. Va, Or 2 oz 1 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 7 mo
1 Tsugue Gunjin-The Samurai God Click for details Gunjin (the Samurai god) combines superlative quality, bright Virginias with the exotic flavor of select Orientals and a dash of smooth black Cavendish. A mild-to-medium smoke, this blend is mellow and lightly sweet. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
3 GL Pease Haddos Delight Click for details Haddos Delight is a stout blend of several Virginia tobaccos with a generous measure of long-cut Perique. Unflavored Green River black Cavendish and a little air-cured white Burley ribbon provide fullness, body, and a bit of extra strength. Bur, Cav, Per, Va 6 oz 3 11 yr 7 mo 12 yr 6 mo
4 Rattray Hal O the Wynd Click for details This is a stronger, sharp aged red Virginia blend that will perk you up quickly. Always ranked near the top for fantastic Virginias to smoke now and save some for the cellar. Rumor has it this blend contains a touch of Perique, which might explain the sharp edge. Va 14 oz 4 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 7 mo
4 Dan Tobacco Hamborger Veermaster Click for details Classic sailors flake tobacco made from rich Golden Virginias, naturally sweet and mild. Va 14.4 oz 4 10 yr 10 mo 12 yr 1 mo
1 Drew Estate Harvest on Hudson Click for details  --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Cav 1.5 oz 1 12 yr 1 mo 12 yr 1 mo
1 HU-Tobacco Haymaker Click for details Haymaker is a natural sweet Virginia flake from Indian, Philippine and Brazilian leaf. This pure Virginia flake fascinates both by its full aroma, and a pleasurable smoking experience. Haymaker is an easy going companion with complexity for delightful smokes troughout the day. As for all HU-Tobacco flakes, no glues and binders are used and thus enable easy rubbing or fold and pack. Try it - love it ! Va 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 Legend Heritage Blend Click for details Choice small leaf Latakia enhanced with rare Macedonia Bright and a unique naturel brown Cavendish. Cav, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 MacBaren HH Acadian Perique Click for details This blend includes Virginias, Burleys, Original Cavendish, Dark Fired Kentucky, Orientals and, of course, a fair amount of Acadian Perique. The HH Acadian Perique has no top flavor at all which means that you will only enjoy the tobacco taste. When smoked, you will experience no tongue bite and this blend will smoke to the bottom, leaving only grey ashes. It is a rich, flavorful and very satisfying smoke. Or, Per, Va 3.5 oz 1 12 yr 5 mo 12 yr 5 mo
1 MacBaren HH Bold Kentucky Click for details From the website in English: This is the strongest pipe tobacco among the blends in the Mac Baren range and is not recommended for inexperienced pipe smokers. HH Bold Kentucky contains a high amount of the finest Dark Fired Kentucky from the USA and Africa and is combined with bright Virginias to soften the taste just a bit. Still the taste is of earthiness with just a slight nuance of sweetness as the underlying taste, which comes from the leaf itself and the hot press, which marries the different tobaccos together. Like all the other HH blends this blend has only an absolute minimum of casing and no top flavor at a Va, Bur 3.5 oz 1 9 yr 10 mo 9 yr 10 mo
6 MacBaren HH Latakia Flake Click for details his is a hot pressed flake tobacco, meaning that during the pressing steam is added to mature the tobacco further and to ensure a mellow smoking experience. A blend of bright Virginias, spicy Orient, a bit of burley, and a fair amount of Cyprus Latakia is the foundation of HH Latakia Flake.

The taste is complex with the smoky note from Latakia in the front seat, the subtle sweetness from the Virginias working in the back, and the mellow spiciness from the Orientals popping up from time to time, creating an intimate interplay where all tobaccos play their role and contribute to this unique smoking experience.

HH Latakia Flake has very little casing and no top flavour at all. The only taste you will experience is the natural taste from the tobaccos used. Bur, Lat, Or, Va 1 lbs 5 oz 6 10 yr 9 mo 10 yr 9 mo
2 MacBaren HH Mature Virginia Click for details Once you light up with HH Mature Virginia the sweet Virginia tobaccos will greet you and slowly the dark fired Virginia will enter the taste. Over time experience how the complex naturally sweet and slightly smoky taste grows in power. Va 1 lbs 3.5 oz 2 12 yr 10 mo 13 yr 1 mo
6 MacBaren HH Old Dark Fired Click for details A bold flake of dark-fired burleys in a well balanced unity with Flue-cured Virginias. This flake is Hot Pressed, meaning that during the pressing, heat is added by steam to the tobaccos which causes the tobacco to intensify the marrying process giving us a bolder tobacco. The robust, earthly flavour of the dark-fired burleys shines through in the taste, and you will experience a deeply satisfying smoke indeed. Bur, Va 1 lbs 7 oz 6 9 yr 12 mo 12 yr 4 mo
1 McClelland Honeydew (221b Series) Click for details The sweet, fragrant Honeydew was all gone by the time Susan Cushing offered the container to Sherlock Holmes, but he was undoubtedly familiar with this fine Irish Flakes gratifying flavor, pleasing aroma and gentleness on the palate. A subtly sweet, fragrant flake tobacco in the Irish tradition. Va, Aro 1.8 oz 1 14 yr 5 mo 14 yr 5 mo
1 Legend Hudsons Bay Click for details Medium and dark brown matured Virginia is complimented with the addition of stoved black Virginia to create a really rich flavor. Va 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
2 Nording Hunters Blend-Beagle Click for details  --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Per 3.6 oz 2 12 yr 5 mo 12 yr 5 mo
3 Peterson Irish Flake Click for details A full bodied blend made of equal proportions air-cured, flue cured, and dark fired. True to the pure, unspoiled tobacco taste and recommended for the experienced pipe smoker. Va 5.4 oz 3 11 yr 1 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Peterson Irish Whiskey Click for details A mild blend of Orange & Mahogany Virginia tobaccos with aromatic Thailand Burley & Fired Kentucky leaf, lightly flavored with Irish Whiskey. Va, Aro, Bur 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 3 mo 9 yr 3 mo
1 GL Pease JackKnife Plug Click for details Dark-fired Kentucky Leaf and ripe red Virginia tobaccos, with their deep, earthy flavors, are layered on a central core of golden flue-cured for a hint of bright sweetness, then pressed and matured in cakes, and finally cut into 2oz blocks. Slice it thick and rub it out for a ribbon cut, thin for a shag or chop it into cubes. The choice is yours. Va, Bur 2 oz 1 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 7 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Joie de Vivre Click for details Va, Bur, Per 4 oz 2 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Kajun Kake Click for details This marvelous blend starts out as beautiful deep red Virginia which is then processed into Red Virginia Cavendish. Perique is them added before pressing the blend into an old fashioned crumble cake. Va, Cav, Per 4 oz 2 12 yr 10 mo 12 yr 10 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Kendal Cream Flake Click for details This selection of blended Burley and Virginias offers a mild and creamy smoke from a medium density flake. With an added essence, the pipe smoker who derives pleasure from an easy to rub out flake will certainly enjoy Kendal Cream Flake. Bur, Aro, Va 3.6 oz 2 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Kendal Plug Click for details Whoever knows Samuel Gawith knows their famous Kendal Plug. The tobacco has a naturally sweet smell, and when burning it produces a very pleasant aroma. The taste tends to be sweetish, particularly at the beginning, and then slowly the sweetness gives some way to a whole range of taste variations, all very pleasant. It burns so slowly and evenly. A very satisfying smoke. Va 1 lbs 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Esoterica Tobacciana Kingsbridge Click for details Produced by the time honored method of hot pressing dark and Golden Virginias until jet-black, resulting in a symphony of delicate aromas and exquisite flavors. Va 8 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
3 Legend Klondike Gold Click for details Golden, light and medium brown Virginia tobacco presented in the classic pressed and sliced flake format. This fragrant Virginia provides a light, naturally sweet pure tobacco flavor and aroma. --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Cav 5.4 oz 3 11 yr 1 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Lakeland Dark Flake Click for details Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 5 mo 7 yr 5 mo
1 Charles Fairmorn Lancers Slices Click for details This almost black flake tobacco combines the best grades of naturally sweet Virginia and smoky Latakia, matured together under pressure. A wonderfully smooth and mild yet full-bodied mixture. Very reminiscent of the old Bengal Slices. Va, Lat 1 lbs 8 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
3 Russ Ouellette Larry’s Blend Click for details Larry, a connoisseur of English/Balkan blends had tried Ten to Midnight, and although he liked it, he was looking for something a little fuller and different. Based on his preference, Russ blended a full, traditional Balkan. Va, Lat, Or 11 oz 3 12 yr 12 yr 2 mo
1 The Smoker Legacy Click for details Complex in its flavors, this blend includes five different Virginias, Latakia, Perique, and hint of Turkish. It is full flavored and slow burning, with a pleasant smooth result, much like the olde English blends. Va, Lat, Or, Per 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Legends Click for details A generous portion of rich, top-quality Cyprian Latakia provides support and structure for dark stoved and red Virginias, deftly combined with Orientals, including Mahalla and the finest Drama. Reminiscent of the legendary, complex blends of times gone by, this is a smooth, deeply smoky ribbon-cut blend that tastes at once bold and subtle. It is creamy with soft, quiet background hints of plum and currant. Blended by Fred Hanna. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
1 Reiner Long Golden Flake Click for details A very special blend of golden Virginias, a little white Burley, and a touch of Perique to make things interesting. Pressed into really long flakes, sliced, then rolled in the tin in very long strips. Packaged like a Christmas present, it is a treat indeed! Currently labeled as GOLDEN BLEND or BLEND 71. Bur, Per, Va 3.5 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
3 Gawith Hoggarth & Co. Louisiana Flake Click for details A dark flake VaPer. Very pleasant nutty/chocolate flavor. Va, Per 1 lbs 3 10 yr 7 mo 12 yr 1 mo
18 Russ Ouellette Louisiana Red Click for details A great sweet and spicy blend containing two different Red Virginias and a good amount of outstanding St. James Perique. The rich, round sweetness of the Virginias are complimented by the plum and pepper hints of the cool-burning Perique. Va, Per 4 lbs 9.8 oz 18 10 yr 2 mo 12 yr 7 mo
3 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake Click for details A blend of ripe Virginia tobacco spiced with pure Louisiana Perique. The distinctive aroma of Perique combined with the natural sweetness of Virginia tobaccos provides a wonderful characteristic taste with a center of mellow, fermented Black Cavendish. Only available in bulk, generally. Va, Cav, Per 5 lbs 3 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 9 mo
4 John Aylesbury Luxury Flake Click for details The basis of this really fine Danish-type blend is made exclusively from Virginia top qualities. A Navy Cut with a refined and smooth taste with the original Virginia tobacco-sweetness. A tobacco that will please more than the Flake aficionados. Va 7.2 oz 4 9 yr 3 mo 9 yr 3 mo
1 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake Click for details Luxury Navy Flake is made with very mature Old Belt flue-cured Virginias spiced with Louisiana Perique. Only available in bulk, generally. Va, Per 1 lbs 8 oz 1 11 yr 11 mo 11 yr 11 mo
1 Russ Ouellette Magnum Opus Click for details The Latin term Magnum Opus loosely translates to “masterpiece”, and this is how we, and our early testers think of this new release. Magnum Opus is a blend of Cyprian Latakia, excellent yellow Virginias from the U.S. and Bulgaria, Izmir, Basma and the “Queen of Tobaccos”, Yenidje. Then we add some Perique to give it more depth and smoothness. Here’s a quote from well-known pipe and tobacco collector Fred Goldring, who tested Magnum Opus during development: ”I immediately searched my mind to recall what vintage tobacco this sample best represented. Every time I put a name to it the blend again changed and the taste shifted to another and yet another blend from the past, all of which I stock in my cellar and all of which I enjoy very much. I decided to smoke the last half of the bowl that I started the evening before. Believe it or not the second half was more magical than the first. I walked in and out of my smoking room a number of times this evening and each time the exquisite aroma of this blend became more apparent. If you make a ton I will purchase half. This, my friend is a world class tobacco born out of the magic of Russ O”. We sampled this blend to a number of people at the CORPS, West Coast and New York pipe shows, and the feedback was overwhelmingly enthusiastic. The flavor, aroma and burning characteristics have been almost universally praised. Give Magnum Opus a try and we feel confident that you’ll be back for more. Va, Lat, Or, Per 8 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 GL Pease Maltese Falcon Click for details Stylish, dark and alluring. Generous quantities of Cyprian Latakia are blended with matured red Virginias, exotic orientals, and just a little bright flue-cured leaf to offer a deep, full-bodied yet silky smoke with an intriguing sweetness. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
1 Russ Ouellette Marble Kake Click for details Russ wanted to produce his own Virginia-based flake or Krumble Kake, and the result is Marble Kake. A firmly-pressed blend of Bright and Red Virginias, it comes as a solid piece, which can be broken or sliced and rubbed-out. Va 2 oz 1 9 yr 9 yr
4 Esoterica Tobacciana Margate Click for details A classical English mixture done in the old style of many of the fine tobaccos that have now disappeared from the market place. Choice Orientals and generous quantities of premium Cyprian Latakia keynote this rich, full bodied blend. A well balanced, robust and eminently satisfying smoke. Lat, Or, Va 2 lbs 4 9 yr 9 mo 10 yr 8 mo
1 Rattray Marlin Flake Click for details A companion to Old Gowrie containing Flue Cured Virginias. A shade darker, greater strength, different aroma, but otherwise a tobacco in the same tradition. Va 3.5 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
2 Drew Estate Meat Pie Click for details  --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Lat, Or 5.3 oz 2 11 yr 7 mo 11 yr 8 mo
1 Mick McQuaid Mick McQuaid Plug Click for details As Velvan Plug but a traditional brandy almond aroma is given. Aro, Va 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Mississippi Mud Click for details An unusual blend of Perique, Latakia & unsweetened black Cavendish. A truly cool smoke with a flavor unlike any other. Per, Cav, Lat 2 oz 1 10 yr 10 yr
1 Seattle Pipe Club Mississippi River Click for details Mississippi River is a smooth, medium blend of pressed red and stoved Virginia tobaccos with a unique balance of Louisiana Perique and Cyprian Latakia which makes this krumble kake tobacco a complex and rich smoke with a lovely sweet finish that lingers nicely on the palate. This Seattle Pipe Club Blend was created by our master blending guru, Joe Lankford and is very gentle on the tongue for an all day smoke. Va, Lat, Or, Per 7 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 Seattle Pipe Club Mississippi River-Special Reserve Click for details From P&Cs website: Recently, Joe Lankford was offered some very special, well-aged Virginias. Instead of creating a whole new blend, he thought that he would use them to make a limited edition version of his wildly popular Mississippi River. Seattle Pipe Club Mississippi River Special Reserve is everything you love about the original but with very rare flue-cured tobaccos included for richer, smoother flavor. Va, Lat, Or, Per 4 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
1 MacBaren Mixture Click for details A mild and lightly aromatic Scottish Blend, manufactured from ready rubbed, matured Virginia tobaccos and golden brown Burley grades, Cavendish and loose, ripe Virginia. Mixture is one of the most popular pipe tobaccos in the world, and is the leading brand tax free. A position which Mixture has been able to maintain through decades. Va, Aro, Bur, Cav 3.5 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 John Cotton Mixture 1 Click for details A secret mixture of choice tobaccos blended with Latakia. A smokers delight. Lat, Or, Va 1 oz 1 9 yr 2 mo 9 yr 2 mo
4 MacBaren Modern Virginia Click for details The tobacco is pressed into blocks and stored for minimum 30 days before they are cut into flakes. Finally the flakes are hand packed to protect the tobacco from breaking up.

This flake is made of Virginias out of 2 continents. A bright yellow and a darker Virginia have been used in combination with a Modern Cavendish. A touch of Burley ensures a soft and smooth smoke. This flake gives you a natural sweet taste of tobacco and just a detectible topping of sweet, ripe fruit. Va, Bur 7.2 oz 4 10 yr 2 mo 10 yr 6 mo
2 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Molto Doce Click for details Va 3 oz 2 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Navy Cavendish Click for details Rich orange and red flake Virginias are aged in dark Jamaican rum to achieve the rich, mysterious flavors and aromas of the traditional Navy Cavendish. Indeed, McClellands has pushed the bounds of the tradtionaly rough and unrefined Navy Flake with its rich depth of flavor, color and aroma. Va, Aro, Cav 1.8 oz 1 13 yr 6 mo 13 yr 6 mo
1 MacBaren Navy Flake Click for details A mild flake blended from the finest Burley tobaccos with added ripe Virginias and Cavendish. Navy Flake is light burning, making the lighting of the pipe very easy. Bur, Cav, Va 1 lbs 1 12 yr 11 mo 12 yr 11 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Navy Flake Click for details A traditional offering of Virginias, pressed with a small amount of Latakia for complexity and flavored with a dash of Rum. Medium to full in strength. Va, Lat 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 11 mo 11 yr 11 mo
1 The Smoker New York, New York Click for details Dark and medium brown, this is a medium heavy blend. Somewhat lighter than the smoker, with more Virginia overtones. This results in a satisfying, full-English smoke, flavorful, although not too rich. Va, Or, Per 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 Villager Newminster #400 Superior Flake Click for details : Tobacco selection: The finest Virginias from USA, Brazil and Africa. Tobacco cut: Traditional flake slice cut. Tobacco Flavor/Aroma: Non-aromatic, with a range from mild to medium strength. Recommendations: Most enjoyable on its own. Select 2 to 3 flakes – rub gently in your hand prior and fill the pipe lightly. Va 1 lbs 1 12 yr 12 yr
1 Altadis Night Cap Click for details A Perfect After Dinner smoke Flavored with Cordial Spirits. Aro, Cav 10 lbs 1 14 yr 6 mo 14 yr 6 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Night Train (417P) Click for details Bright VA ribbon, bright VA flake, Cavendish cut brown VA burley and Perique. PRESSED ONLY. Va, Bur, Cav, Per 10 oz 2 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 7 mo
5 Dunhill Nightcap Click for details A rich blend for late in the day. It is a slow, lasting smoke. Just prior to packing, expensive Perique tobacco is added to enhance to bouquet. Lat, Or, Per, Va 9 oz 5 11 yr 11 mo 11 yr 11 mo
1 Astleys No.2 Virginia Mixture Click for details An unusual, well modulated blend of red and gold Virginias, balanced with Perique. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 3 mo 12 yr 3 mo
3 Astleys No.44 Click for details A dark virginia flake that is full of flavor but easy on the tongue. Citrus notes are detectable. Va 5.4 oz 3 12 yr 12 yr
2 Cornell & Diehl Oak Valley Click for details Va, Bur, Per 4 oz 2 10 yr 10 mo 10 yr 10 mo
4 McClelland Old Dog Click for details One of the most loved in this series, this is a full English Mixture dark with cool, smoky Cyprian Latakia, spiced with fragrant Xanthis from Macendonia. These tobaccos marry under pressure with aged, sweet flue-cured Virginias and smooth jet-black Cavendish to create a very rich, satisfying blend with a tin aroma this is incredibly appealing. Sit back comfortably to ponder the meaning of life with Old Dog as your companion. Lat, Or, Va 7.2 oz 4 12 yr 10 mo 13 yr 11 mo
1 HU-Tobacco Old Fredders Broken Flake Click for details Old Fredder’s Broken Flake. Fred, affectionately called “Old Fredder“ by his friends, counts Virginia/Perique Flakes among his greatest passions. Obviously, Old Fredder‘s Broken Flake is tailor-made for him. A natural, wonderfully balanced Virginia/Perique Broken Flake that packs a punch, too. The rather tart Red Virginia grades harmonize beautifully with the Louisiana Perique I chose for this blend. The result is an unusually strong-flavored tobacco, complex in taste and off the mainstream. A blend that leaves no room for boredom. Just the right thing for Old Fredder, and for all smokers who like it strong-flavored and natural. Va, Per 3.5 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
2 Rattray Old Gowrie Click for details Old Gowrie is a Virginia tobacco prepared in the old-time manner as a broken flake or rubbed out for those who favor a finer cut. Its essential charm is its coolness and tranquilizing properties which has led it to find its way all over the world. Va 7 oz 2 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 7 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Old Grove Click for details Sitting between City Park Avenue and Bayou Metairie lies the Old Grove, home to ancient, moss-covered oaks and many more of New Orleans oldest trees. Worthy of any cellar, this Cellar Series blend, a complex, ribbon-cut mixture, combines bright and red Virginias, dark Burley, Katerini Turkish, black Cavendish, and granulated Perique together with a subtle pomegranate topping to create a blend that will age as gracefully as the old grove itsel Va, Aro, Bur, Or, Per 2 oz 1 9 yr 10 mo 9 yr 10 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Old Joe Krantz (126) Click for details Dark and cube cut Burley with Red Virginia ribbon and Perique creates a smooth, all day smoke. Bur, Per, Va 4 oz 2 10 yr 10 yr
1 The Smoker Olde Virginia Click for details This favorite will remind the smoker of Escudo. It is a semi-sweet Red Virginia with Perique and other grade tobaccos. It will give you an interesting smoking experience. Smokes slow, well and dry. Va, Per 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 McClelland Orient 996 Click for details A very special blend of sugary bright Virginia and aged, mellow red Virginia, seasoned with a good amount of rare Yenidje and a touch of Syrian Latakia. Ready to smoke, but designed to age beautifully. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 13 yr 2 mo 13 yr 2 mo
1 McClelland Oriental No.1 Click for details A well balanced, mild smoke, McClellands Oriental #1 adds just a touch of Oriental tobacco to a light blend of Golden and Orange Virginias. Though perhaps not for the lover of stronger oriental blends, this pleasantly smooth tobacco would make for a nice change for a lover of Virginias. Va, Or 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 2 mo
2 McClelland Oriental No.14 Click for details This hearty blend of Black, rich Virginias and Latakia combined with a liberal spicing of Orientals makes for a powerful, sophisticated blend. Oriental #14 is a pleasure, especially for the lover of strong, rich blends. Or, Lat, Va 3.6 oz 2 12 yr 10 mo 13 yr 11 mo
1 McClelland Oriental No.6 Click for details McClellands medium bodied tobacco in their Oriental Mixture line, #6 is a well balanced combination of robust Orange Virginias spiced with Orientals and hints of Latakia. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 13 yr 9 mo 13 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Oriental No.8 Click for details An extremely refined medium mixture, its soft round flavor due to the fully rubbed matured red cake tobaccos forming its base. Lightly sweet, smooth and rich, a truly mellow smoke. Va, Or 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 7 mo
2 Balkan Sobranie Original Mixture Click for details This traditional mixture of rich Virginia, Latakia and rare Yenidje tobaccos is Sobranies oldest blend and offers a mild yet rich taste. A cool and long-lasting smoke. Va, Lat, Or 3.6 oz 2 7 yr 11 mo 7 yr 11 mo
1 Esoterica Tobacciana Peacehaven Click for details An elegantly flavored flake comprised of six Virginia tobaccos, light in color and rich in taste. Exceedingly mellow and easy to rub into the texture of your choice. Va 8 oz 1 10 yr 8 mo 10 yr 8 mo
2 Butera Pelican Click for details Combining exact portions of the most rare Cyprian Latakia, Turkish, Orientals and prime grade Virginias give Pelican a sweet and yet zesty taste. Lat, Or, Va 4 oz 2 7 yr 11 mo 7 yr 11 mo
1 Esoterica Tobacciana Pembroke Click for details A luxury English blend (Margate) is married with fine French Cognac. This outstanding mixture is a match made in heaven. Rich taste with character to match. A symphony of delicate aromas and elegant flavors. Aro, Lat, Or, Va 8 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
3 Esoterica Tobacciana Penzance Click for details A wonderful complex secret recipe of the finest Virginia, choice Turkish and Orientals and Cyprian Latakia, all hand blended together, hard pressed and broad cut into thick flakes. Long matured and easily crumbled to facilitate pipe filling. This is one of the finest traditional English Flakes available anywhere. Va, Lat, Or 1 lbs 2.8 oz 3 9 yr 5 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 Peterson Perfect Plug Click for details This excellent plug tobacco comprises selected Virginia leaf from Africa and Brazil blended with Burley leaf from Malawi. The tobaccos are lightly cased before drying and pressing and are then heated and stored for two weeks before cutting. The result is a full bodied yet fruity blend, sure to appeal to the experienced pipe smoker. Va, Aro, Bur 1.8 oz 1 7 yr 5 mo 7 yr 5 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake (970P) Click for details A smooth, robust blend with LOTS of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and cavendish cut Burley. This is the blend for the Latakia lover. Lat, Bur, Cav, Or 4 oz 2 11 yr 11 yr
3 Seattle Pipe Club Plum Pudding Click for details Say Hello to Plum Pudding. Ahhh, what an exquisite tobacco! This Seattle Pipe Club Blend was created by our own blending guru, Joe Lankford. Plum Pudding is simply a legend in our Club. Many members say it is their perfect tobacco. Delicious, smoky, spicy and positively addictive. Now our Club treasure is available to the world in limited quantities. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Lat, Or, Per, Va 1 lbs 3 18 yr 4 mo 21 yr 7 mo
1 Seattle Pipe Club Plum Pudding-Special Reserve Click for details From P&Cs website: On a shelf in a warehouse, a small quantity of special small-leaf tobaccos were found. When they were discovered, they were offered to Joe Lankford, the blender of the Seattle Pipe Club blends. Rather than coming up with a whole new blend, Joe took these rare tobaccos and substituted them for some of the Orientals in his very popular Plum Pudding. Plum Pudding Special Reserve is a limited release version of his bold Balkan cake in a 4 oz. plug, featuring these very rare sun-cured tobaccos. Va, Cav, Lat, Or, Per 4 oz 1 7 yr 10 mo 7 yr 10 mo
4 Cornell & Diehl Poplar Camp (458) Click for details 1 lbs 4 11 yr 11 yr
2 William P. Solomon Presbyterian Mixture Click for details Presbyterian Mixture is a mellow blend of US-Virginia tobaccos and high-quality Macedonian Latakia. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Va, Lat, Or 1 lbs 13.6 oz 2 12 yr 12 yr
1 John Patton Quadruple Viginia Click for details Removing the Perique from Cool Hand Fluke results in an all natural four Virginia blend that is both tasty and slightly sweet. Requested by a fan of my blends who loves Virginas but hates Perique. Va 8 oz 1 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 2 mo
1 McClelland Quantum Click for details A perfectly splendid, well-aged, all-Virginia ribbon blend that stands on its own without the added support of condimental tobaccos. This fine Virginia needs no help. It is made with very ripe red, orange and yellow leaf and delivers an amazing depth of flavor. Take ample time to savor it slowly. Va 1.8 oz 1 15 yr 8 mo 15 yr 8 mo
1 Tsugue Raijin-The Thunder God Click for details Raijin (the thunder god) is a classically-styled blend of choice, bright flue-cured tobaccos with costly and exotic Orientals with a nice share of rich, smoky Latakia. This is an ideal choice for the English/Balkan blend fans Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
2 McClelland Red and Black Click for details Va 3.6 oz 2 9 yr 7 mo 9 yr 7 mo
2 McCranies Red Flake Click for details A beautifully aged Red Virginia like no other. Brimming with rich, mellow flavor as only nature can provide. Va 3.6 oz 2 12 yr 9 mo 12 yr 9 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company Red Virginia Crumble Kake Click for details Va 1.5 oz 1 6 yr 2 mo 6 yr 2 mo
2 Two Friends Redwood Click for details A Tarler & Pease blend. A mixture for Virginia lovers! We start with naturally sweet red and stoved red Virginia tobaccos, add enough perique to provide some body and spice things up a bit, and finish the blend with a pinch of unflavored black toasted Cavendish. The color is reminiscent of the hues of a redwood forest; the flavor is rich and soothing, and the room aroma is as pleasing as a walk in the woods after a gentle spring rain. Cav, Per, Va 4 oz 2 11 yr 4 mo 11 yr 4 mo
1 GL Pease Regents Flake Click for details A generous measure of fine Izmir leaf is layered on a sturdy foundation of mature red and sweet bright Virginia tobaccos, then pressed and allowed to mature and ferment in cakes before being sliced and tinned. This is one for the lover of Oriental mixtures, with their exotic and enticing incense-like aroma and brilliant flavour. Rub up a flake or two, fill a cherished pipe, and prepare for an exceptional smoking experience.

Notes: Released 7/12/2016 Va, Or, Per 2 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland Rich Virginia Ribbon Click for details The finest ripe, dappled orange and red Virginia leaf is first caked, then gently spun into ribbon for a smoke sure to be in the Virginia lovers regular rotation. The exceptional flavor curve develops from zesty to sweet, rich and deep. You will count each bowl you smoke as time well spent. Va 1.8 oz 1 15 yr 2 mo 15 yr 2 mo
1 D&R Tobacco Rimboche A.P. Click for details A flavorful blend of the finests flue-cured Gold Leaf tobaccos and a rare Acadian Perique. This product intended exclusivelu for use a pipe tobacco. Va, Per 3.6 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
1 Russ Ouellette Rolandos Own Click for details Named for renowned pipe maker Rolando Negoita, this is a Virginia/Perique blend with Rolandos artistry in mind. A mixture of lemon, red and stoved Virginias is enlivened with a moderate dose of wonderful Perique, for a sweet and flavorful all-day smoke. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 7 mo
1 McClelland Rose of Latakia Click for details Only the most precious, most flavorful Syrian leaves are called Rose of Latakia. This fine blend of Virginia, Latakia and Oriental leaves is complex, fragrant, incredible. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
2 McClelland Royal Cajun Dark Click for details A blend of five exceptional Red and stoved Virginias seasoned liberally with cool, subtly smoky Cajun Black. An incredible smoking experience - deeply rich in flavor, compelling in aroma, exquisitely mild on the palate. Amazing. Va 3.6 oz 2 13 yr 2 mo 16 yr 6 mo
1 McClelland Royal Cajun Ebony Click for details Black, smooth, sweet, smoky and absolutely rich. This blend of Virginia and Kentucky leaf demonstrates the magic that occurs when flue-curing, stoving, fire-curing and Perique-style processing meet in a gloriously complex explosion of flavor. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 16 yr 6 mo 16 yr 6 mo
1 McClelland Royal Cajun Special Click for details Two dark stoved Virginias and one wide-cut Lemon Virginia expertly blended with Cajun Black. This blend is one of a kind; smoky, deeply rich and incredibly complex. Virginias natural sweetness cooled by Cajun Blacks fire-curing and Perique-style fermentation. Va 1.8 oz 1 16 yr 6 mo 16 yr 6 mo
1 J. F. Germain & Son Royal Jersey Périque Click for details This is the latest addition to the Royal Jersey range, and contains a subtle quantity of genuine Louisiana Perique. The fully-rounded taste of matured tobaccos. Va, Cav, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 1 mo 12 yr 1 mo
1 Butera Royal Vintage Golden Cake Click for details Bright, Golden Virginia long-leaf, ripened to perfection, mellowed for years. Flue-cured until fully seasoned. Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
3 Dunhill Royal Yacht Click for details Truly a luxurious tobacco. Virginias are carefully conditioned to insure sweetness. They are added to rich, heavier and cooler Virginias. A unique flavor is added to the final blend to enhance the subtle and piquant aroma. Va, Aro 5.4 oz 3 10 yr 8 mo 12 yr 8 mo
1 Tsugue Ryujin-The Dragon God Click for details Ryujin (the dragon god) is a medium-to-full-bodied blend of especially sweet Virginias married with the deep smokiness of Latakia and the spiciness of Acadian Black (a rare fire-cured, fermented tobacco made in the same way as Perique). Robust in body and taste, Ryujin is in a league of its o Va, Lat, Per 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 9 mo 9 yr 9 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Sams Flake Click for details Sams Flake is a combination of Flue-cured Virginias and Turkish leaf which after blending is pressed in the hot oven, cut and then treated to a light flavoring which adds another flavor dimension to the tobacco. Va, Or 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 11 mo 11 yr 11 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Scottish Autumn Click for details Scottish Autumn Pipe Tobacco by Samuel Gawith has the natural ripeness of the long-pressed Virginias. Along with the slow-burn this makes Scottish Autumn a most suitable flake for smoking on its own, or blending with other tobaccos. Va 3.6 oz 2 10 yr 9 mo 10 yr 9 mo
6 Robert McConnell Scottish Cake Click for details Scottish Cake - A blend from the companys beginnings this coarse-cut Broken Flake is a great favorite for young and old. Dark brown in its color, the seasoned pieces may directly be tampered into the pipe or even lightly broken to suit a smaller bowl. Produced from a mixture of Eastern Carolina, Kentucky and Middle Belt, that are pressed for a week and coarse cut. It has to rest for some days until it has hardened. Then it is packaged. A very popular tobacco and very slow in its burning. Va, Bur 10.8 oz 6 12 yr 4 mo 12 yr 5 mo
2 Robert McConnell Scottish Flake Click for details Scottish Flake - a base mixture from Red Mottled Virginia and Carolina Leaf, balanced by small amounts of Turkish, and medium-strong Kentucky, to reach this fully balanced effect. All is mixed, seasoned for some days, to be fully integrated. Then this mixture is divided into 10 pound pieces and cold pressed for several weeks. While is process is under way, harmony is reached in a natural way and a slowly burning Flake is created. Va, Bur, Or 3.6 oz 2 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 7 mo
2 Hearth and Home Sierra Nevada Click for details Va, Or, Per 8 oz 2 12 yr 1 mo 12 yr 1 mo
1 Benjamin Hartwell Signature Blend Click for details Benjamin Hartwells Quail Breath Inn offered comfort and serenity to tired wayfarers during Americas early days. Ben made his own liquor. He blended his own tobaccos. This is his signature blend, kept in a keg near the hearth near the churchwarden pipes Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 6 mo 20 yr 6 mo
1 John Aylesbury Sir Johns Flake Virginia Click for details A pure Virginia specialty. Elegant and mellow smoke. A Danish-type blend. With an unobtrusive aroma and a fine sweetness on the tongue. Va 1.8 oz 1 9 yr 8 mo 9 yr 8 mo
6 GL Pease Sixpence Click for details Inspired by the British sixpence coin, this broken flake is designed to emulate the mystery found in those timeless blends of old. It is composed of bold Virginia tobaccos, spicy Perique, dark-fired leaf, and a touch of something special for added dimension. Its the first Virginia-Perique blend in the series and a perfect suggestion for those customers who arent too fond of Latakia or for those who just enjoy classic, old-school tobaccos. Va, Per 11.2 oz 6 10 yr 2 mo 10 yr 4 mo
1 Samuel Gawith Skiff Mixture Mild Click for details Another Samuel Gawith original, Skiff is for the pipe smoker who appreciates the fuller flavor of an oriental blend. Blending a variety of different styles of flue-cured tobaccos gives Skiff its characteristic yellow and brown features. Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
1 Russ Ouellette Slice O Gold Click for details Bright and Red Virginia form the base a bit of dark-fired Kentucky with a bit of burley. Va, Bur 2 oz 1 12 yr 5 mo 12 yr 5 mo
1 McClelland Sophisticate Click for details Great care is taken in slow-stoving beautiful, sugary Virginia until it is jet black; then, it is mixed with high-sugar bright Virginia to achieve a perfect balance. Never sharp, always mellow and rich, this exceptional blend has the qualities necessary for perfect aging. Va, Cav 1.8 oz 1 14 yr 6 mo 14 yr 6 mo
3 McClelland Sovereign Click for details A classical English mixture made with Syrian Latakia, Turkish Djubec, matured jet-black Cavendish, Bright Carolina and Red Virginia. Pressed and matured in Scottish-style cakes before spinning into ribbon form, this is a true connoisseurs tobacco for those who are seeking that elusive, ultimate Latakia mixture. Lat, Bur, Cav, Or, Va 5.4 oz 3 12 yr 10 mo 14 yr 11 mo
4 Samuel Gawith Springtime Click for details Virginias and a touch of Perique matured in old sherry barrels, this Springtime flake combines the natural, subtle sweetness of the former with the spice and sherry flavor of the latter; like all the Four Seasons mixtures, its a labor of love, and the cooperation between Samuel Gawith and Dr. Josef Stanislav. Va, Per 7.2 oz 4 10 yr 9 mo 10 yr 9 mo
3 MacBaren St. Bruno Flake Click for details  --(Submitted by Kanaia                   ) Va, Lat, Or 7.1 oz 3 9 yr 10 mo 11 yr 3 mo
11 Samuel Gawith St. James Flake Click for details Genuine Perique is added to an already delicious and flavorsome blend of fine bright Virginias to give St. James the light peppery characteristic enjoyed by so many pipe smokers. Va, Per 2 lbs 2 oz 11 10 yr 11 mo 12 yr 7 mo
5 McClelland St. James Woods Click for details A highly sophisticated broken Flake of matured Red and Black stoved Virginias pressed with the finest Louisiana Perique. This beautiful, mottled tobacco has an especially deep, rich character. Va, Per 9 oz 5 13 yr 6 mo 13 yr 6 mo
2 McClelland Stave-Aged 35 Click for details McClelland decided to celebrate their 35th anniversary with an American classic, bourbon. But instead of aging tobacco in the barrel, they aged the barrel in the tobacco. There is a piece of a charred Kentucky Bourbon white oak barrel in each tin imparting its subtle, long-aged whiskey aroma and flavor and soft, mellow character. Va 3.6 oz 2 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
6 Esoterica Tobacciana Stonehaven Click for details A marriage of air-cured leaf and Burley with selected dark Virginia. Hard pressed and aged to produce brown flakes with dark undertones. Usually available only in large 8oz sealed bags. Bur, Va 2 lbs 4 oz 6 10 yr 7 mo 11 yr 9 mo
8 GL Pease Stonehenge Flake Click for details Stonehenge Flake is a wonderful traditional flake comprised of bright flue-cured and sun-cured leaf from Brazil, Zimbabwe and Malawi, with just a touch of Malawi Burley added for a bit of body, and a slightly fuller flavor. Then, we added a hint of genuine St. James Parish perique, for its special piquant contribution. Once blended, the leaf was steamed, hot-pressed into blocks, and aged, to allow the flavors to meld and marry. The mature blocks were sliced into thin flakes, and cut into 2 inch lengths. This blend was a special limited release and is no longer made. Va, Bur, Per 1 lbs 8 7 yr 9 mo 7 yr 9 mo
1 Former Straight Grain Flake Click for details A really full bodied but amazingly smooth dark flake tobacco prepared from traditional English recipes and methods. A good pinch of mellow yet spicy Perique brings out the rich flavor of Formers Straight Grain Flake. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 5 mo 12 yr 5 mo
1 GL Pease Stratford Click for details Stratford is an enticing blend of delicately sweet brights and rich, ripe, red Virginia tobaccos, seasoned with just the right measure of fine Louisiana Perique. The wonderfully nuanced interplay of sugar and spice is sure to delight the Perique lover. Va, Per 2 oz 1 12 yr 9 mo 12 yr 9 mo
1 Mike and Russ:The Mind Meld Sweet Engllish Click for details A Full Mixture of the finest smoky Cyprian Latakia, Fragrant Turkish, naturally sweet Matured Virginia and a touch of soft, mellow Black Cavendish. Smooth, rich, subtle!

Notes: An outstanding blending collaboration of thoughts and tastes between McClellands Mike McNiel and Pipes and Cigars Russ Ouellette. Va, Lat 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 McClelland Syrian Full Balkan Click for details Syrian Latakia is prized for its unique, exotic fragrance from the combined aromas and flavors of Virgina, Latakia and Oriental ingredients. It adds a magnificent, rich aromatic character to this mild, cool-smoking, elegant Balkan blend. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Syrian Super Balkan Click for details A lavishly flavorful Balkan blend using the finest dark, fragrant, cool-smoking Syrian Latakia and seasoned with top-grade Louisiana Perique. Rich and Mellow. Va, Lat, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Tawny Flake Click for details Little, elegant flue-cured Virginia flakes, redolent with sun-dappled sweetness, and pleasantly tangy. This skillfully blended tobacco, mellowed with Blakeneys exclusive toasting process, fills the pipe with pleasure. Va 1.8 oz 1 13 yr 11 mo 13 yr 11 mo
1 GL Pease Telegraph Hill Click for details A sturdy foundation of Virginia tobaccos, each chosen for its particular character, enhanced with fine flakes of Perique for a refined smoking experience. Telegraph Hill is rich and flavorful, with a satisfying, lingering finish. Va, Per 2 oz 1 12 yr 8 mo 12 yr 8 mo
3 GL Pease Temple Bar Click for details Rich, ripe red and sweet golden Virginia tobaccos are generously spiced with fine, fragrant Orientals and enhanced with a delicate touch of Perique for a bit of added depth and complexity. The leaf is carefully layered and pressed for a fortnight into large cakes, which are then cut into bars and tinned, ready to be sliced and rubbed out as desired for your ultimate smoking pleasure.

Notes: Released 7/12/2016 Va, Or, Per 6 oz 3 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
3 Cornell & Diehl The Beast (Small Batch) Click for details Legend has it that Aleister Crowley, famed adept of the Order of the Golden Dawn and founder of the Ordo Templi Orientis, is purported to have made a habit of smoking rum-soaked perique as a meditative aid.

To date, many a dabbler has pursued his own manifestation of this concoction out of sheer curiosity. We have too. And so in the spirit of the nefarious occultist himself, we sought to tame the Beast with our own rendering of the recipe, soaked for seven days in spiced rum, so that we might share our vision of it with the most inquisitive and brave of pipe smokers. Va, Bur, Cav, Per 6 oz 3 8 yr 11 mo 8 yr 11 mo
1 MacBaren The Solent Mixture Click for details A fine composed, classic mixture of selected Virginia tobaccos, with Cavendish and Latakia - giving a full and pleasant smoke. Solent Mixture is specially prepared from the best grades of tobacco. Va, Cav, Lat 6 oz 1 12 yr 11 mo 12 yr 11 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Three Friars (972) Click for details A combination of Virginia ribbon, Brown Virginia Burley and Perique. Bur, Per, Va 2 oz 1 11 yr 2 mo 11 yr 2 mo
6 Orlik Three Nuns Curly Cut Click for details A blend of dark fired and sun cured tobaccos mixed with the finest Brazilian Lights to produce the unique flavour and mellow smoking characteristics for which Three Nuns is famous. Va, Bur 10.8 oz 6 11 yr 2 mo 11 yr 6 mo
2 McClelland Three Oaks Syrian Click for details Rare Syrian Latakia, with its renowned mellow smokiness, is balanced with naturally sweet oriental tobaccos and aged Virginia leaf to create a satisfying blend reminiscent of classic Syrian Latakia blends of old. Formulated by Tad Gage to reflect the charater of original Three Oaks Pipe Tobacco, it tantalizes with intriguing differences. Va, Lat, Or 3.6 oz 2 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
2 Esoterica Tobacciana Tilbury Click for details A harmonious blend of Golden and Dark Virginias with small portions of Burley and air-cured leaf. Matured by a special process over 100 years old, producing a unique natural aroma and piquant flavor. Va, Bur 4 oz 2 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 2 mo
1 McClelland Top Hat Click for details The original pipers choice blend of premium matured and stoved Virginias liberally seasoned with the finest Louisiana Perique, was created by pipe collector Steve Stein. He describes it well: Its wonderful after meals and as an evening aperitif for the seasoned Virginia-Perique pipe smoker. A complex, bold blend for the sophisticated palate Va 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 7 mo 10 yr 7 mo
3 Dan Tobacco Tordenskjold: Virginia Slices Click for details A medium bodied tobacco blend comprised of Virginia varieties and a whisper of Perique (not really noticeable). Hard pressed and cut into delicate slices. Va 5.4 oz 3 8 yr 1 mo 12 yr
3 Dan Tobacco Treasures of Ireland: Limerick Click for details A rich Virginia tobacco with 5% Perique added to keep the mixture cool on the palate. A dark, smooth, wonderful flake tobacco. Va, Per 3 lbs 3 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 2 mo
1 GL Pease Triple Play Click for details Ripe red and bright flue-cured tobaccos are joined by piquant Acadian Perique and a balanced measure of smoky dark-fired kentucky. The leaf is pressed and matured in cakes before being cut into 2oz bars, resulting in a bold blend for Virginia and Perique fans. This all-American plug is a winning play, no matter how you slice it. Per, Bur, Va 2 oz 1 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 7 mo
2 McClelland Tudor Castle Arcade Click for details Ready to smoke and designed to age beautifully, Tudor Castle is a beautifully balanced blend of very sugary bright yellow Virginia, a good amount of rare No. 1 Grade Yenidje, red Virginia and a nice touch of St. James Perique. Va, Or, Per 3.6 oz 2 13 yr 12 mo 15 yr 5 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Tuskegee Airman Click for details Cornell & Diehl pays tribure to Amerias African American airmen with Tuskegee Airman, the second in their new series. A blend of Virginias, Perique, Turkish and Latakia is pressed to marry the flavors then sliced for easy packing. Va, Lat, Or, Per 2 oz 1 12 yr 7 mo 12 yr 7 mo
2 GL Pease Union Square Click for details A blended, sliced cake of high-grade flue cured leaf, from beautiful, sweet brights to deep, earthy reds, without the added sugars and flavourings common to many Virginia flakes. Its rich on the palate, evolving in layers with the clean, natural sweetness of pure tobaccos. It offers a pleasant room note, and a delightful finish. For those seeking the pure Virginia experience, try Union Square. Va 4 oz 2 7 yr 2 mo 7 yr 2 mo
3 Peterson University Flake Click for details Mahogany, Burley and Kentucky blended tobacco created by Peterson for the thinking man. Va, Aro, Bur 5.4 oz 3 10 yr 11 mo 11 yr 11 mo
1 Sutliffe Tobacco Company VA Perique Crumble Kake Click for details Va, Per 1.5 oz 1 6 yr 1 mo 6 yr 1 mo
1 Carol P.J. & Co. Velvan Plug Click for details he blend is made in the same manner and style as Yachtsman Plug, using appropriate rich flavourable styles of leaf. The difference is a light flavouring prior to the pressing process to give a unique flavour and aroma, with the traditional smooth taste Va, Cav 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Vieux Carre Click for details Whether youre visiting Jackson Square or walking down colorful Bourbon Street, the charm of old New Orleans is all around you, in Vieux Carre.

Commonly known as the French Quarter, it is the oldest district in New Orleans, as well as the inspiration behind this Cellar Series blend, first introduced in July, 2016 — a traditional English tobacco with a flavor every bit as complex as the Quarters own diverse atmosphere. Lat, Or, Va 2 oz 1 8 yr 4 mo 8 yr 4 mo
1 Russ Ouellette Viginia #10 Click for details Va, Or 2 oz 1 12 yr 3 mo 12 yr 3 mo
1 Fribourg & Treyer Vintage Click for details A medium to full bodied Virginia flake, this sumptuous blend is composed of red, light and black pressed Virginias. Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
2 Hearth and Home Viprati Click for details Va, Bur, Per 3.6 oz 2 10 yr 1 mo 10 yr 1 mo
1 McClelland Virginia No.22 Click for details A balanced of Eastern and Middlebelt Virginias aged in cakes to develop their natural sweetness. A zesty tobacco with rich undertones, coarse enough to smoke on windy days outdoors, but easily rubbed-out to suit any occasion. Va 1.8 oz 1 13 yr 1 mo 13 yr 1 mo
1 McClelland Virginia No.24 Click for details An unusual form of Flake tobacco, its deep chesnut color results from the extended aging of full flavored Old and Middle Belt leaf very lightly seasoned with Drama. Va 1.8 oz 1 14 yr 1 mo 14 yr 1 mo
3 McClelland Virginia No.25 Click for details A balanced mixture of our smoothest and most refined Red and Black aged Virginia cake tobaccos in a fully rubbed form. Va 5.4 oz 3 11 yr 6 mo 14 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland Virginia No.27 Click for details An excellent all day, indoor smoke. This beautiful Orange-red, shag cut cake has a mellow flavor and a light subtle aroma. Va 1.8 oz 1 13 yr 6 mo 13 yr 6 mo
1 Hearth and Home Virginia Spice Click for details Virginia, Perique, and cigar leaf. For the pipe smoker who really enjoys the clean, sweet spiciness of a mixture of matured Virginias, but who wants something a little different. The difference comes from the use of cool-smoking Perique for a bit of plum and pepper, with cigar leaf added for a hint of round richness. Va, Per 8 oz 1 12 yr 1 mo 12 yr 1 mo
1 McClelland Virginia Woods Click for details Formulated for a smooth, rich flavor with an incomparable woodsy aroma. Blended from matured Red Cake, Stoved Black Virginia, wide-cut Bright Virginia and other premium tobaccos. Va 3.6 oz 1 13 yr 13 yr
1 Mike and Russ:The Mind Meld Virginia/Perique Click for details Orange, red and stoved Virginias mixed with dark fragrant Louisiana Perique aged in cakes to marry and spun to ribbon. Naturally sweet, mildly zesty, richly flavorful. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 2 mo 8 yr 2 mo
1 SHPC VR Blend Click for details Simply called VR, the monogram of Victoria Regina, Queen of England which Holmes adorned his wall with while doing a little indoor revolver practice in his rooms at Baker Street. It also stands for Virginia Rich, a pressed blend of bright, stoved and red Virginias with a touch of unflavored Cavendish and a hint of sweet and spicy Perique. Va, Bur, Per 8 oz 1 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 2 mo
1 Low Country Pipe & Cigar Waccamaw Click for details The Waccamaw River meanders through the eastern Carolinas, part of the Pee Dee River basin, a region intertwined with the history of tobacco for three centuries. What finer homage to this heritage than a rich, hearty Virginia flake? Bright leaf serving as the base is typical of the tobaccos grown in this region, while beautiful Red Virginias lend it sweetness and structure. Perique and a dash of exotic Izmir leaf complete this complex, satisfying flake. Va, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 6 mo 12 yr 6 mo
1 Rattray Wallace Flake Click for details Virginia tobaccos, ranging in color from golden to chocolate brown, have been combined with sun-dried Indian leaf and ennobled with a very fine plum aroma Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 10 yr 11 mo 10 yr 11 mo
1 Murray's Warrior Plug Click for details Akin to Yachtsman Plug but with the strongest taste and flavour. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 8 yr 8 mo 8 yr 8 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Westmorland Mixture Click for details Westmorland Mixture is a well-balanced combination of Bright Virginias, Cyprian Latakia, and Cavendishes. It is lightly sweetened and wonderfully round and supple. Va, Cav, Lat 3.6 oz 2 9 yr 6 mo 9 yr 6 mo
1 McClelland Wilderness Click for details This remarkable blend provides a multi-layered, rich taste experience. The highest quality Syrian Latakia combines with small amounts of Cyprian to form the base for an exquisite array of rare and precious Orientals - sweet Drama, exotic Yenidje and more. Red Virginias complement the blend, adding sweetness, richness, strength, and creaminess. Blended by Fred Hanna. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 11 yr 9 mo 11 yr 9 mo
2 Samuel Gawith Winter Click for details Winter Time Flake Pipe Tobacco by Samuel Gawith is a blend of pressed Virginia leaves. With a higher sugar content and the spiciness of the Latakia, experience a cool but rich, slow burn tobacco. For the experienced smoke Va, Lat 3.6 oz 2 10 yr 9 mo 10 yr 9 mo
1 The Smoker Wise Fox Click for details This blend is another 1932 original Smoker Tobacco. It is a combination of Burley, Matured Virginia and Latakia for all-day 1930s pure smoking pleasure. Va, Bur, Lat 1.5 oz 1 11 yr 10 mo 11 yr 10 mo
Cellared Blends Breakdown
Blend Type    
Va 196 Va 196 29%29%
Va,Per 149 Va,Per 149 22%22%
Va,Lat,Or 37 Va,Lat,Or 37 5%5%
Va,Bur 31 Va,Bur 31 5%5%
Va,Cav,Per 22 Va,Cav,Per 22 3%3%
Bur,Va 21 Bur,Va 21 3%3%
Lat,Or,Va 19 Lat,Or,Va 19 3%3%
Va,Bur,Per 16 Va,Bur,Per 16 2%2%
Va,Lat 13 Va,Lat 13 2%2%
Va,Or,Per 11 Va,Or,Per 11 2%2%
Lat,Or,Per,Va 9 Lat,Or,Per,Va 9 1%1%
Or,Lat,Va 8 Or,Lat,Va 8 1%1%
Va,Aro 8 Va,Aro 8 1%1%
Va,Lat,Per 8 Va,Lat,Per 8 1%1%
Bur,Per,Va 7 Bur,Per,Va 7 1%1%
Lat,Va 7 Lat,Va 7 1%1%
Va,Aro,Lat 7 Va,Aro,Lat 7 1%1%
Va,Lat,Or,Per 7 Va,Lat,Or,Per 7 1%1%
Va,Or 7 Va,Or 7 1%1%
Bur,Lat,Or,Va 6 Bur,Lat,Or,Va 6 1%1%
Lat,Aro,Va 6 Lat,Aro,Va 6 1%1%
Va,Cav 6 Va,Cav 6 1%1%
Va,Aro,Bur 5 Va,Aro,Bur 5 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav 5 Va,Bur,Cav 5 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav,Per 5 Va,Bur,Cav,Per 5 1%1%
(unclassified) 5 (unclassified) 5 1%1%
Or 4 Or 4 1%1%
Va,Bur,Or 4 Va,Bur,Or 4 1%1%
Bur,Aro,Va 3 Bur,Aro,Va 3 1%1%
Bur,Cav,Per,Va 3 Bur,Cav,Per,Va 3 1%1%
Bur,Cav,Va 3 Bur,Cav,Va 3 1%1%
Bur,Per 3 Bur,Per 3 1%1%
Lat,Bur,Cav,Or,Va 3 Lat,Bur,Cav,Or,Va 3 1%1%
Va,Aro,Cav 3 Va,Aro,Cav 3 1%1%
Va,Cav,Lat 3 Va,Cav,Lat 3 1%1%
Aro,Cav 2 Aro,Cav 2 1%1%
Cav,Per,Va 2 Cav,Per,Va 2 1%1%
Lat,Bur,Cav,Or 2 Lat,Bur,Cav,Or 2 1%1%
Or,Va 2 Or,Va 2 1%1%
Per,Va 2 Per,Va 2 1%1%
Va,Bur,Cav,Or,Per 2 Va,Bur,Cav,Or,Per 2 1%1%
Va,Bur,Lat 2 Va,Bur,Lat 2 1%1%
Va,Bur,Lat,Or 2 Va,Bur,Lat,Or 2 1%1%
Va,Cav,Lat,Or 2 Va,Cav,Lat,Or 2 1%1%
Aro,Lat,Or,Va 1 Aro,Lat,Or,Va 1 1%1%
Aro,Va 1 Aro,Va 1 1%1%
Cav,Bur,Lat 1 Cav,Bur,Lat 1 1%1%
Cav,Lat,Or 1 Cav,Lat,Or 1 1%1%
Or,Per,Va 1 Or,Per,Va 1 1%1%
Per,Bur,Va 1 Per,Bur,Va 1 1%1%
Per,Cav,Lat 1 Per,Cav,Lat 1 1%1%
Va,Aro,Bur,Cav 1 Va,Aro,Bur,Cav 1 1%1%
Va,Aro,Bur,Or,Per 1 Va,Aro,Bur,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Bur,Lat,Or,Per 1 Va,Bur,Lat,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Va,Cav,Lat,Or,Per 1 Va,Cav,Lat,Or,Per 1 1%1%
Cellar Container Aging Breakdown
10 yr+ 507 10yr+ 507 75%75%
5 yr+ 172 5yr+ 172 25%25%
4 yr+ 0
3 yr+ 0
2 yr+ 0
18 mo+ 0
1 yr+ 0
6 mo+ 0
< 6 mo 0
Containers Opened/Used History (with OPEN date provided)
  2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
  J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
#4301 #4301 Wt:3.6oz Opened:03/08/2023 Finished:03/08/2023 Days used: 0 Age was:11 yr
Blackwoods Flak..
Capstan Blue
Frog Mortons Ce..
Full Virginia F..
Lancers Slices
Old Dog
  J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
  2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

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