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Cellar Summary - 0 open containers, 58 cellared containers holding 9 lbs 9.1 oz
Open Containers - 0 containers are open.
Brand Blend Name   Type Storage Oz. Buy Date Tin Date Age Opened Est. Left Days Left
Cellared Containers Summary - 58 containers are cellared holding 9 lbs 9.1 oz (see details)
Qty Brand Blend Name   Type Tot.Weight Containers Avg.Age Oldest
1 McClelland #4301 Click for details McClelland bulk, apparently not available anymore. Va 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 6 mo 20 yr 6 mo
1 Paul Olsen 111 Click for details An original flaketobacco based on North Carolina Virginia spiced with Perique and Kentucky. A classical blend with taste. Va, Bur, Per 3.5 oz 1 19 yr 4 mo 19 yr 4 mo
1 Dream Castle Tobacco Company Admirals Choice Gold Burley Click for details 8 oz 1 20 yr 6 mo 20 yr 6 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Bayou Night (063) Click for details A full strength Perique blend with a generous portion of stoved Red Viginia, Latakia, Turkish and rough cut Burley. A surprisingly cool smoke. Lat, Bur, Or, Per, Va 8 oz 1 20 yr 20 yr
2 Cornell & Diehl Black Knight Click for details A Latakia lovers delight! Cyprian and Syrian Latakia in abundance blended with red and bright Virginia, Perique and a small amount of Burley. Specially blended for Yahoo! Pipe Smokers Club. Lat, Bur, Per, Va 4 oz 2 20 yr 8 mo 21 yr 5 mo
1 Petersen & Sorensen Black Mixture Click for details 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 6 mo 20 yr 6 mo
1 Ashton Black Parrot Click for details Virginia, Carolina & pure Louisiana Perique, this unique square-cut tobacco emcompasses flavor, maturity and mellow smoking. Va, Bur, Per 1.8 oz 1 19 yr 6 mo 19 yr 6 mo
1 McClelland Blackwoods Flake Click for details The characteristic, natural sweetness of Mellow, Red Virginias mingles inextricably with the richness and inherently spicy aroma of Black stoved Virginias in this doubly aged Red and Black all-Virginia cake mixture. Va 3.5 oz 1 18 yr 4 mo 18 yr 4 mo
1 Port Williams Blue Click for details 3.5 oz 1 17 yr 8 mo 17 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland Bombay Court Click for details An exotic Oriental mixture spiced with Turkish Tobaccos, cut wide and enhanced by the natural aromatic, cool character of just enough smoky Latakia. Matured Virginias fine-cut from aged cakes add their naturally sweet, full flavor. Or, Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 7 mo 20 yr 7 mo
1 House of Windsor Bourbon Street Click for details Composed of gently sweetened light and brown burleys along with a nice helping of Virginia for added richness. A vanilla citrus topping is added. Aro, Bur, Va 2 oz 1 18 yr 11 mo 18 yr 11 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Bow-Legged Bear Click for details Full English blend with Virginias, Turkish, Latakia, Burley & Perique. Stoved, pressed, and sliced as crumble cake. Va, Bur, Lat, Or, Per 2 oz 1 18 yr 4 mo 18 yr 4 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Briar Fox Click for details An exceptionally smooth crumble cake of Virginias. The personal blend of Peter Heeschen, the well-known Danish pipe maker. Va 2 oz 1 19 yr 9 mo 19 yr 9 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Bridge Mixture Click for details A sophisticated blend of bright & red Virginias and unsweetened red Virginia Cavendish, Turkish, Cyprian Latakia and Perique with a touch of 20 year old dark fired Kentucky Burley for a kicker. Va, Bur, Cav, Lat, Or, Per 2 oz 1 19 yr 9 mo 19 yr 9 mo
1 McClelland British Woods Click for details Full, rich and dark. Heavy with fragrant Latakia, spiced with premium Macedonian tobaccos. Lat, Or, Va 3.5 oz 1 19 yr 4 mo 19 yr 4 mo
1 House of Windsor Cappucino T418 Click for details A blend of Cavendish-cut Virginias, mild Burleys and a generous portion of Black Cavendish provides the perfect base for our coffee flavoring. Real fresh-brewed coffee taste and aroma. A sweet all day long smoke. Aro, Bur, Cav 2 oz 1 19 yr 7 mo 19 yr 7 mo
1 Ashton Celebrated Sovereign Click for details A classic English Mixture made with Syrian Latakia, Turkish Dubec, matured Jet-Black Cavendish, Bright Carolina and Red Virginia. A true connoisseurs tobacco. Va, Cav, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 19 yr 5 mo 19 yr 5 mo
2 Cornell & Diehl Da Vinci Click for details The base of light Virginias and Burley is overwhelmed by the smoky pungent aroma of Cyprian Latakia. This is the perfect blend for the true lover of Latakia; but be forewarned, this blend is not for everyone. Lat, Bur, Va 4 oz 2 18 yr 11 mo 19 yr 3 mo
1 Dan Tobacco Da Vinci Click for details A choice tobacco mixture made from golden light Virginia grades and soothing sweet mild Black Cavendish, matured under addition of fullbodied red chianti wines. This blend has a pleasant aroma. Aro, Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 17 yr 8 mo 17 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland Deep Hollow Click for details A soothing, relaxing mild aromatic, Deep Hollow consists of rich, Red and Black stoved Virginias lightly top-flavored with hints of apple and vanilla. Relative to most aromatics it smokes very cooly and cleanly with little moisture or bite. Va, Aro 3.5 oz 1 21 yr 4 mo 21 yr 4 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Easy Times Click for details A traditional blend of red Virginia, Latakia and 20-year old fire cured Kentucky Burley. Va, Bur, Lat 2 oz 1 18 yr 4 mo 18 yr 4 mo
4 Erinmore Erinmore Flake Click for details A superb blend of premium Virginia leaf topped with a secret recipe and aged under pressure to marry the flavors. The aged cake is then sliced thin and packaged. Can be rubbed to suit any taste. Medium in strength with a refreshing aroma. A cool clean burning all-day smoke. Va, Aro 10.6 oz 4 19 yr 2 mo 19 yr 2 mo
1 Erinmore Erinmore Plug Click for details 1.8 oz 1 18 yr 6 mo 18 yr 6 mo
2 Bjarne Flake de Luxe Click for details An extra mild and pleasant flake tobacco composed from only the best grades of sweet golden virginia leaf. Or, Va 3.6 oz 2 19 yr 5 mo 19 yr 5 mo
1 McClelland Frog Morton on the Bayou Click for details When vacationing on the dark, placid waters of the Bayou, Frog Morton prefers this smooth, rich, calming Balkan blend, to which he adds just enough of the finest Louisiana Perique. Va, Lat, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 7 mo 20 yr 7 mo
1 McClelland Frog Morton on the Town Click for details A rather mellow smoke, Frog Morton on the Town draws deep rich flavor from its base of golden and red Virginias and a pleasant smoky, earthy undertone from the Latakia. A light flavoring from Basma gives the blend a unique, almost vanilla like flavor. Va, Aro, Lat 1.8 oz 1 19 yr 7 mo 19 yr 7 mo
1 Peterson Irish Oak Click for details A rich blend of Cavendish, Zimbabwean, Orange, Thailand Burley & Black Perique, matured in Oak Sherry Barrels. Made in Ireland. Cav, Bur, Per, Va 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 6 mo 20 yr 6 mo
1 CAO Midnight Ride Click for details Paul Reveres famous midnight ride is commemorated in this luxurious blend. Virginia grades from three of the finest growing regions are combined with Oriental tobacco, Cyprian Latakia, and a touch of Perique. A relaxing, cool, and medium bodied smoke perfect for quiet, reflective moments. Va, Lat, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 18 yr 4 mo 18 yr 4 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Mississippi Mud Click for details An unusual blend of Perique, Latakia & unsweetened black Cavendish. A truly cool smoke with a flavor unlike any other. Per, Cav, Lat 2 oz 1 18 yr 4 mo 18 yr 4 mo
1 McCranies Murdock Pipe Click for details Named for Murdock McCranie, who sailed for America in 1739 along with his brother, Hugh, and 348 others aboard The Thistle. A soft, rich Scottish Blend. Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 19 yr 7 mo 19 yr 7 mo
1 Astleys No.99 Royal Tudor Full Latakia Click for details A traditional English mixture of Virginia, Turkish combined with a substantial proportion of Latakia. Lat, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 7 mo 20 yr 7 mo
1 McClelland Oriental No.14 Click for details This hearty blend of Black, rich Virginias and Latakia combined with a liberal spicing of Orientals makes for a powerful, sophisticated blend. Oriental #14 is a pleasure, especially for the lover of strong, rich blends. Or, Lat, Va 3.5 oz 1 18 yr 5 mo 18 yr 5 mo
1 McClelland Pal o Mine Click for details Quiet, soothing, always agreeable, the pipe is a fine companion when filled with this ever-civil, mellow blend consisting of Burley, Cavendish and Black Cavendish with a peaches & cream aroma. Bur, Aro, Cav 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 8 mo 20 yr 8 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Plantation Evening (416) Click for details A smooth, reasonably light blend of aged Virginias, Latakia, Perique and a little Turkish. An outstanding, middle of the road English blend with a delightful flavor. Va, Lat, Or, Per 8 oz 1 19 yr 6 mo 19 yr 6 mo
1 James Fox Provost Mixture Click for details A sweet American Cavendish tobacco which gives fullness and body has been mellowed by the addition of choice bright Virginias to give a cool and satisfying blend. --(Submitted by commonsenseman) Cav, Va 1.8 oz 1 19 yr 4 mo 19 yr 4 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Red Stag Click for details Red and Golden Virginias provide a pleasant base for this medium-strength English. Latakia and Turkish Orientals offer their own addition to the blend giving it a pungent smoky and earthy flavors and hints of pepper. An excellent all round medium English, Red Stag is a nicely balanced and very well rounded blend. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 19 yr 8 mo 19 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland Rose of Latakia Click for details Only the most precious, most flavorful Syrian leaves are called Rose of Latakia. This fine blend of Virginia, Latakia and Oriental leaves is complex, fragrant, incredible. Va, Lat, Or 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 2 mo 20 yr 2 mo
3 Holger Danske Royal Navy Flake Click for details 5.4 oz 3 18 yr 8 mo 18 yr 8 mo
1 Butera Royal Vintage Blended Flake Click for details A blend of rich, Red Matured Virginias, hand selected Orientals, flu-cured North Carolina whole leaf, and long-cut St. James Perique. Heavily pressed and aged in cakes. Va, Bur, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 19 yr 4 mo 19 yr 4 mo
1 Butera Royal Vintage Latakia No.2 Click for details A full English mixture of Cyprian Latakia, Turkish, Orientals, Red and Orange Matured Virginias. A touch of Toasted Carolina is used to enrich the smooth, nutty flavor. Blended into Ribbon Form. Lat, Bur, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 19 yr 4 mo 19 yr 4 mo
1 Butera Royal Vintage: Latakia No.1 Click for details A hardy mixture with generous amounts of Mtn. Grade Cyprian Latakia, blended with ample portions of Turkish Basma. Bright North Carolina and rich, red flue-cured Virginias complete this blend. Lat, Bur, Or, Va 1.8 oz 1 19 yr 4 mo 19 yr 4 mo
1 Benjamin Hartwell Signature Blend Click for details Benjamin Hartwells Quail Breath Inn offered comfort and serenity to tired wayfarers during Americas early days. Ben made his own liquor. He blended his own tobaccos. This is his signature blend, kept in a keg near the hearth near the churchwarden pipes Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 17 yr 8 mo 17 yr 8 mo
1 McClelland St. James Woods Click for details A highly sophisticated broken Flake of matured Red and Black stoved Virginias pressed with the finest Louisiana Perique. This beautiful, mottled tobacco has an especially deep, rich character. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 2 mo 20 yr 2 mo
1 Former Straight Grain Flake Click for details A really full bodied but amazingly smooth dark flake tobacco prepared from traditional English recipes and methods. A good pinch of mellow yet spicy Perique brings out the rich flavor of Formers Straight Grain Flake. Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 19 yr 4 mo 19 yr 4 mo
1 McClelland Syrian Super Balkan Click for details A lavishly flavorful Balkan blend using the finest dark, fragrant, cool-smoking Syrian Latakia and seasoned with top-grade Louisiana Perique. Rich and Mellow. Va, Lat, Or, Per 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 2 mo 20 yr 2 mo
1 Bjarne The Special One Click for details Mellow Virginia Leaf seasoned with a pinch of smoky Syrian Latakia & very mild Black Cavendish. Va, Cav, Lat 3.5 oz 1 19 yr 5 mo 19 yr 5 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Three Friars (972) Click for details A combination of Virginia ribbon, Brown Virginia Burley and Perique. Bur, Per, Va 8 oz 1 19 yr 6 mo 19 yr 6 mo
1 McClelland Virginia No.25 Click for details A balanced mixture of our smoothest and most refined Red and Black aged Virginia cake tobaccos in a fully rubbed form. Va 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 6 mo 20 yr 6 mo
1 McClelland Virginia No.27 Click for details An excellent all day, indoor smoke. This beautiful Orange-red, shag cut cake has a mellow flavor and a light subtle aroma. Va 1.8 oz 1 20 yr 7 mo 20 yr 7 mo
1 Cornell & Diehl Yale Mixture (531) Click for details If this were a wine it would be full bodied, rich but not sweet (like Cabernet Sauvignon). An all natural Virginia based blend with Latakia. (Close to the original Cravens Mixture.) Va, Lat 8 oz 1 19 yr 6 mo 19 yr 6 mo
Cellared Blends Breakdown
Blend Type    
(unclassified) 7 (unclassified) 7 12%12%
Va 5 Va 5 9%9%
Va,Aro 5 Va,Aro 5 9%9%
Va,Lat,Or,Per 4 Va,Lat,Or,Per 4 7%7%
Or,Va 3 Or,Va 3 5%5%
Lat,Bur,Or,Va 2 Lat,Bur,Or,Va 2 3%3%
Lat,Bur,Per,Va 2 Lat,Bur,Per,Va 2 3%3%
Lat,Bur,Va 2 Lat,Bur,Va 2 3%3%
Lat,Or,Va 2 Lat,Or,Va 2 3%3%
Or,Lat,Va 2 Or,Lat,Va 2 3%3%
Va,Bur,Per 2 Va,Bur,Per 2 3%3%
Va,Lat,Or 2 Va,Lat,Or 2 3%3%
Va,Per 2 Va,Per 2 3%3%
Aro,Bur,Cav 1 Aro,Bur,Cav 1 2%2%
Aro,Bur,Va 1 Aro,Bur,Va 1 2%2%
Aro,Cav,Va 1 Aro,Cav,Va 1 2%2%
Bur,Aro,Cav 1 Bur,Aro,Cav 1 2%2%
Bur,Per,Va 1 Bur,Per,Va 1 2%2%
Cav,Bur,Per,Va 1 Cav,Bur,Per,Va 1 2%2%
Cav,Va 1 Cav,Va 1 2%2%
Lat,Bur,Or,Per,Va 1 Lat,Bur,Or,Per,Va 1 2%2%
Per,Cav,Lat 1 Per,Cav,Lat 1 2%2%
Va,Aro,Lat 1 Va,Aro,Lat 1 2%2%
Va,Bur 1 Va,Bur 1 2%2%
Va,Bur,Cav,Lat,Or,Per 1 Va,Bur,Cav,Lat,Or,Per 1 2%2%
Va,Bur,Lat 1 Va,Bur,Lat 1 2%2%
Va,Bur,Lat,Or,Per 1 Va,Bur,Lat,Or,Per 1 2%2%
Va,Bur,Or,Per 1 Va,Bur,Or,Per 1 2%2%
Va,Cav,Lat 1 Va,Cav,Lat 1 2%2%
Va,Cav,Lat,Or 1 Va,Cav,Lat,Or 1 2%2%
Va,Lat 1 Va,Lat 1 2%2%
Cellar Container Aging Breakdown
10 yr+ 58 10yr+ 58 100%100%
5 yr+ 0
4 yr+ 0
3 yr+ 0
2 yr+ 0
18 mo+ 0
1 yr+ 0
6 mo+ 0
< 6 mo 0

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