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Viewing jgriff's Tobacco Cellar

Viewing Summary at a glance:            Click for Open or Cellared or Finished containers or WishList
Cellar Summary - 0 open containers, 9 cellared containers holding 1 lb 10.2 oz
Open Containers - 0 containers are open.
Brand Blend Name   Type Storage Oz. Buy Date Tin Date Age Opened Est. Left Days Left
Cellared Containers Summary - 9 containers are cellared holding 1 lbs 10.2 oz (see details)
Qty Brand Blend Name   Type Tot.Weight Containers Avg.Age Oldest
1 Balkan Sasieni Balkan Sasieni Click for details Rich Macedonian Orientals and pungent Latakia are blended with a base of golden and red Virginias to produce what has become one of the most popular premium pipe tobaccos in the world. The history of Balkan Sasieni Smoking Mixtures begins almost a hundred years ago and this fine tobacco draws its roots directly from that family of tobaccos. Or, Lat, Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
1 Samuel Gawith Black XX Rope Click for details Same twisted shapes but MUCH Darker tobaccos than the Brown No.4. One of Gawiths all-time best selling ropes. Va 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
1 Dan Tobacco Blue Note Click for details Mild, golden Virginias, that have a naturally high sweetness, are mixed with a mild Black Cavendish. A fresh flavor of exotic fruits and a touch of Bourbon Vanilla is added to make this an extraordinarily mild blend. Aro, Cav, Va 3.5 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
1 McClelland Christmas Cheer 2002 Click for details Hand blended, premium pressed Virginia flake tobaccos. Natural sweetness and zest. Limited production each year. Va 3.5 oz 1 21 yr 21 yr
1 A & C Petersen Escudo Navy Deluxe Click for details This old classic is a Virginia Perique curley cut tobacco in large coin size. The combination of high grade Virginia and Perique tobaccos provides fine, cool smoking enjoyment. The undisputed King of VaPers, bar none! Va, Per 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
1 GL Pease JackKnife Plug Click for details Dark-fired Kentucky Leaf and ripe red Virginia tobaccos, with their deep, earthy flavors, are layered on a central core of golden flue-cured for a hint of bright sweetness, then pressed and matured in cakes, and finally cut into 2oz blocks. Slice it thick and rub it out for a ribbon cut, thin for a shag or chop it into cubes. The choice is yours. Va, Bur 2 oz 1 12 yr 2 mo 12 yr 2 mo
1 GL Pease Odyssey Click for details Odyssey is huge - the biggest of the Pease blends. Its loaded with Latakia and harmonized by exotic Orientals. Wonderful red and jet-black stoved Virginias provide a perfect counterpoint. Va, Lat, Or 2 oz 1 21 yr 21 yr
1 GL Pease Renaissance Click for details Renaissance is a classic medium English mixture, rich in oriental tobaccos, a good measure of Cyprian and Syrian Latakias, and just enough golden, red and matured Virginias to provide substance to the smoke. The nutty flavors of the oriental tobaccos are the main focus, with the Latakias providing an almost leathery spiciness. These flavors are perfectly balanced by the subtle sweetness of the Virginas to complete this elegant mixture. Lat, Or, Va 8 oz 1 21 yr 21 yr
1 Robert McConnell Scottish Cake Click for details Scottish Cake - A blend from the companys beginnings this coarse-cut Broken Flake is a great favorite for young and old. Dark brown in its color, the seasoned pieces may directly be tampered into the pipe or even lightly broken to suit a smaller bowl. Produced from a mixture of Eastern Carolina, Kentucky and Middle Belt, that are pressed for a week and coarse cut. It has to rest for some days until it has hardened. Then it is packaged. A very popular tobacco and very slow in its burning. Va, Bur 1.8 oz 1 12 yr 12 yr
Cellared Blends Breakdown
Blend Type    
Va 2 Va 2 22%22%
Va,Bur 2 Va,Bur 2 22%22%
Aro,Cav,Va 1 Aro,Cav,Va 1 11%11%
Lat,Or,Va 1 Lat,Or,Va 1 11%11%
Or,Lat,Va 1 Or,Lat,Va 1 11%11%
Va,Lat,Or 1 Va,Lat,Or 1 11%11%
Va,Per 1 Va,Per 1 11%11%
Cellar Container Aging Breakdown
10 yr+ 9 10yr+ 9 100%100%
5 yr+ 0
4 yr+ 0
3 yr+ 0
2 yr+ 0
18 mo+ 0
1 yr+ 0
6 mo+ 0
< 6 mo 0

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